Call for submissions to ESWW2018

Dear Members,

We invite you to submit a short abstract to Session 3 at the Fifteenth European Space Weather Workshop, November 5-9, 2018 in Leuven, Belgium. This Session will focus on identifying advancements and opportunities toward improved national and global resilience for space weather events. The Session also provides the opportunity for presenters to showcase advances in research, observations, or analyses that can inform and enhance actions to improve resilience to the effects of space weather events. We are also interested in national level efforts to improve capacity, coordination and resilience as well as those that seek to strengthen international partnerships and frameworks. Examples include national strategies, legislative developments, risk registers, coordinated research programs, and policy-level discussions in the UN and elsewhere. It is also a chance for presenters to identify opportunities for additional research and collaboration to enhance resilience to the effects of space weather events.

Deadline for submissions is 18 May, 2018.

Additional background and submission details are available here:

Thank you for your consideration,
Seth and Chris.