NAM Session: Connecting MHD Wave Research from the Sun to the Magnetospheres

We would like to encourage abstract submission to the NAM2019 session ‘Connecting MHD Wave Research from the Sun to the Magnetospheres’.

This cross-disciplinary session aims to bring together MHD waves experts from both solar and planetary physics. The goal is to encourage the transfer of knowledge between research fields that share areas of commonality but often remain disparate. For example, field line resonance in magnetospheres and resonant absorption in the solar corona; the Kelvin Helmholtz instability on the magnetospheric flanks and in coronal loops. We invite submissions from multiple areas of MHD wave research, from solar to planetary magnetospheres, including theoretical/numerical studies or observational studies from spacecraft or ground-based data. This session aims to bring together these research elements, including the potential of data from upcoming missions.

NAM 2019 will be held at Lancaster University between Sun 30 June – Thu 4 July. Abstract submission is now open and closes on March 15th.

T. Elsden, J. Sandhu, S. Wharton, P. Antolin