NAM2019 session: Explosive Energy Release in the Solar Atmosphere

We would like to encourage abstract submission to the NAM session “Explosive Energy Release in the Solar Atmosphere”.

The solar atmosphere is constantly storing and impulsively releasing energy across a range of scales, from small-scale spicules and jets to larger-scale confined and eruptive flares. Understanding how, why and where explosive energy release occurs is a fundamental and long-standing problem in solar physics. In the era of observatories such as SDO, IRIS, SST and NST we are now in a position to compare and contrast energy release signatures across wide ranging scales in the solar corona. This session aims to look for commonality across the scales by showcasing current research on both large and small-scale energy release events in the solar atmosphere. Theoretical as well as observational contributions are welcome.

Abstract submission is now open ( and closes March 15th.

P. Wyper, D. Pontin, E. Scullion