ESA Voyage 2050

Dear Colleagues,

as many of you might have seen, ESA issued a call for White Papers for the long-term plan of the ESA science program (voyage 2050). We are part of two European-wide teams that are forming White Papers and will discuss these intensively in the coming months. From a strategic perspective, we think that it would be very highly desirable if the White Papers on solar topics would be coordinated at least to some extent. The solar community has common scientific goals supported by all (or most) solar researchers, even if we choose different instrumentation paths to reach these. Of course, each solar White Paper should have its own clear profile, but it would be very profitable if they all show to ESA that the solar community has common goals and is not split up in many small groups not talking to each other.

If you agree that this is a good idea and you are thinking of taking a lead for a white paper, we would very much appreciate if you would contact us. We then could see to start a discussion by mail and telecon to ensure that the different Solar White paper come from a united and strong community.

All the best,

Hardi Peter, Richard Harrison, Louise Harra,Frédéric Auchère, Vincenzo Andretta

(Web page for ESA call: