IAU PhD Prize 2018 – reminder of the deadline for applications

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to alert you about the opportunity below – the IAU PhD Prize.

May I also take the opportunity to encourage you to join the Commission E3 within the IAU Division E, as this may be of particular relevance for some members of the UKSP community: Commission E3 Solar Impact throughout the Heliosphere

The IAU has created in 2016 a new prize – the IAU PhD Prize. Each IAU Division has, once a year, the opportunity to award its own prize to the candidate it feels has carried out the most remarkable work in the previous year (i.e. a PhD Thesis which has been defended between the 16 December in the previous year, and 15 December this year).

The IAU PhD Prize is open to candidates from any country, regardless of whether the country has an IAU National Membership. The objective is to recognise outstanding scientific achievement in astrophysics around the world even at that early stage in the career.

Please alert potential candidates for this opportunity since the deadline for applications for the 2018 IAU PhD Prize will be 15th December.

The application form is available here: https://www.iau.org/submissions/phd-prize/

The conditions and details for the application are available in the IAU webpage https://www.iau.org/science/grants_prizes/phd_prize/ .

Best wishes,

Dr Claire Foullon
IAU Div.E Commission E3 Vice-President
University of Exeter
