The next UK-based Solar Online Seminar Series – UK-SOSS

We are pleased to announce the second and the third UK-based Solar Online Seminar Series – UK-SOSS.

The 2nd seminar will be held on: 21st of April, 2020, 11:00 am (UK time)
Speaker: Prof. Sarah Matthews (University College London)
Title: Probing energy release and transport in explosive events

Abstract: The magnetic field of the corona stores the energy that is released via magnetic reconnection during solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Flares with CMEs are often described by the ‘standard’ eruptive flare (CSHKP) model and this offers a conceptual framework in which to investigate the global characteristics of the energy release and transport in the context of the magnetic field configuration. The low plasma beta environment of the corona means the magnetic field plays a central role in the energy transport, and different magnetic field configurations can lead to a variety of outcomes in terms of the evolution of the energy release, the efficiency of the energy transport mechanisms and the locations where the energy is deposited. Despite the often rather good agreement between observations and the ‘standard’ model, many open questions remain particularly in respect to the triggering of the energy release. In this talk I will discuss how multi-wavelength spectroscopy used in tandem with magnetic field information can help shed light on some of these open questions.


The 3rd seminar will be held on: 19th of May, 2020, 11:00 am (GMT)
Speaker: Prof. Anthony Yeates (Durham University)
Title: Where do solar eruptions come from?

An oft-quoted idea in solar physics is that coronal mass ejections are, fundamentally, the Sun’s way of shedding the magnetic helicity that is continually generated by its interior flows. In this talk, I will show how models are helping to give us a handle on the build up of magnetic helicity in the corona (the Sun’s lower atmosphere): how much is injected, where it collects, and how it is ultimately ejected. This requires time-evolving coronal magnetic field models as well as new tools for analysing the distribution of magnetic helicity.

Best Regards,

Marianna Korsos (University of Aberystwyth), JiaJia Liu (University of Sheffield) and Chris Nelson (Queen’s University Belfast )