Postdoctoral Positions in Fluid Mechanics and MHD, University of Leeds

Three postdoctoral positions, funded by the award of an ERC Advanced Grant,  are available in fluid dynamics, MHD and dynamos in the Department of Applied Mathematics, at the University of Leeds to work with Professor Steve Tobias.

The first is in Direct Statistical Simulation (together with Prof Brad Marston, Brown) see

The second is in Dynamo Theory (together with Profs. Fausto Cattaneo, Chicago & Gianluigi Bodo, Torino) see

The third is in Computational Physics and Direct Statistical Simulation in the Dedalus framework (together with Profs Brad Marston, Brown,  Jeff Oishi, Bates, Geoff Vasil, Sydney & Keaton Burns, Flatirons Institute) see

Candidates may apply for some or all of the positions.To explore the posts further or for any queries you may have, please contact:

Professor Steve Tobias

Tel: +44 (0)113 343 5172 , email:

For further information