Fixed Term (6-month) PDRA in Solar Physics at DAMTP

A position exists for an STFC-supported Research Assistant/Associate to work on Solar Physics, as part of the Atomic Astrophysics research group, DAMTP, University of Cambridge. This will be for a period of six months (possibly extended to nine months) to work with Dr Helen Mason and Dr Giulio Del Zanna.

The heating of solar active regions and flares is an area of intensive research activity. It is important to match up the theoretical models with the observations (both imaging and spectroscopic). The successful candidate will compare predictions from state-of-the-art models with solar space observations (e.g. from Hinode, SDO, RHESSI and IRIS). The nature and duration of the energy release and the subsequent cooling by conduction and radiation will be probed for specific datasets, together with the possibility of non-equilibrium processes (e.g., time-dependent ionisation).

Expertise in the modelling of solar plasma and/or handling of solar datasets would be advantageous. For further information contact Helen Mason. Closing date: 23rd September 2014. See: