***Abstract Deadline is Extended until 20th March*** for UKSP Early Career Researcher (ECR) Workshop

The UKSP ECR Workshop provides an opportunity for early career researchers (PhD or 5 years or less after PhD excluding career breaks) to promote their work to their peers and to the community as a whole. Although the presentations are limited to ECRs, we encourage all members of our community to attend in-person or online.

Please submit an abstract by Monday, 20th of March via the registration form (ECRs only): https://forms.gle/EA1gq2FSpFLHhiRv9

A draft schedule for the workshop can be found here: https://www.uksolphys.org/planning-and-stratergy/uksp-early-career-researcher-ecr-workshop/2023-2/

We can also offer financial support (up to £200) to ECRs attending the workshop. If you wish to be considered for financial support, please send a brief (half page) justification to natasha.jeffrey@northumbria.ac.uk. We hope that financial support will encourage ECRs to stay and attend the UK Solar Instrumentation and Facilities Forum on Friday 21st of April.

Please email your submission for financial support by Friday 31st of March.

Organising Committee:
UKSP Council