ESWW Parallel Session “Solar Activity and Eruptions as Origins of Space Weather”

We invite the community to the Parallel Session “Solar Activity and Eruptions as Origins of Space Weather” at the 19th European Space Weather Week (ESWW) that will take place in Toulouse, France between 20-24 November 2023.

This session aims at bringing together observers and theoreticians investigating the solar sources responsible for space weather effects, as well as the variations of space weather due to solar activity modulation.

We look forward to contributions on:
– the advancements of global, data driven magnetic field models of the corona, on their impacts on the global magnetic field topology and on the magnetic field connectivity between the Sun and planets or spacecraft;
– the sources and formation mechanisms of different solar wind flows, driving stream interacting regions and small transients;
– the conditions and physical processes for triggering flares and other CME sources;
– radiative processes and diagnostics of flares and their impact on space weather;

For more informations on the session Solar Activity and Eruptions as Origins of Space Weather, please follow the link

For further details on the European Space Weather Week 19, please check the website of the conference

The abstract submission is now open and the deadline for oral presentation is 29th June 2023. The deadline for submitting an abstract for a poster presentation is the 10th of September 2023.

With kind regards,
Iulia Chifu, Rui F. Pinto, Paulo Simões