First Announcement: European Space Weather Week 2025 call for convening of sessions and discussion meetings, 27th – 31st October 2025, Umeå, Sweden

European Space Weather Week (ESWW) 2025 will be held in Umeå, Sweden from 27th – 31st October in a hybrid format. The overarching theme for ESWW2025 is ‘Technological expansion of the Arctic: the new frontiers of space weather’.

The ESWW conference is an excellent opportunity for people from all over the world to gather and discuss the most recent insights in space weather and space climate, and to address the emerging challenges and impacts. Science, observations, data exploitation, data standards and metadata, service development, operational models, engineering and industrial needs are all important aspects of the field that are addressed.

One of the strengths of ESWW is that participants can contribute significantly to its content through Parallel Sessions, Plenary Sessions and Topical Discussion Meetings (TDMs). The ESWW Programme Committee (PC) and Local Organising Committee (LOC) are pleased to announce that the call for the convening of these sessions will be open during the following time window:
Opening date – 18th February 2025
Closing date (plenary and parallel) – 21st March 2025
Closing date (TDMs) – 4th April 2025

A short synopsis of each element is given below. More information will be made available on the ESWW2025 website in due course:

Topical Discussion Meetings

Topical Discussion Meetings (TDMs) are an important component of the European Space Weather Week (ESWW) – a format meant to facilitate engaging debates within the heliospheric, and space weather and space climate communities. These meetings provide the opportunity for interested participants to address key issues in a community forum style that complements the conference sessions. Potential conveners must describe in dedicated fields of the proposal form the target community, the expected outcome of the meeting, and its potential impact. After the selection of the proposed TDMs is made, the proposers will be informed within Q2 of 2025.

Plenary Sessions (New format proposed!)

This year, the ESWW will host four plenary sessions.

* Two plenary sessions will feature distinguished presentations proposed by the convenors of parallel sessions. These plenaries will promote parallel sessions to a broader audience. As such these sessions are not part of the call for conveners.

* The other two plenary sessions will be dedicated to topics proposed by the community. Here, the community is invited to submit proposals to convene. Proposals are sought that are engaging, of a particularly high-standard, relevant to the broader space weather and space climate community, and designed to stimulate discussion and debate. Topics to be covered may encompass one or more of the following areas (interdisciplinary topics are encouraged): the ESWW2025 theme, “Technological expansion of the Arctic: the new frontiers of space weather”, policy, end-user needs, end-user applications, transversal or inter-domain connections, instrumentation, observations, extension/improvement of ground-based instrumentation, new missions, R2O2R, modelling, data analysis techniques, space climate, or other subjects with broad appeal.

Parallel Sessions

Those interested in convening a parallel session at ESWW2025 may submit a proposal in one of the following four formats:
1. Parallel Space Weather Research (SWR) session
2. Parallel 100% Community-Driven (100CD) session
3. Parallel Application Pipeline (APL) session
4. Open Parallel Session (OPS) – only conveners no session abstract

Those submitting a proposal for a SWR session will need to select from one of the following six topics:
SWR1 – Solar atmosphere processes as drivers of space weather phenomena
SWR2 – Coronal Mass Ejections, Shock Waves and Energetic Particles
SWR3 – Inner Magnetospheric Dynamics and Coupling Processes
SWR4 – Interactions in the Earth’s Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System and their Space Weather Impact
SWR5 – Advancements in Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs): Simulation, Monitoring, and Mitigation Strategies
SWR6 – Space Climate

Those submitting a proposal for a 100CD session have the freedom to choose the title and the research topic. In the session description, the motivation for proposing the research topic and the reason the topic is relevant for this year should be provided in one or two sentences. Proposals related to intense space weather events are encouraged.

Those submitting a proposal for an APL session must propose a topic covering research, development and implementation of different application pipelines. Examples of possible (components of) pipelines include:
– Data preparation to be used in the product pipeline
– Forecasting tools: presentation and demonstration
– 3D visualization tools for space weather from Sun to Earth
– All sorts of propagation tools
– Tools for the solar wind/flux rope/Stream Interaction Region (SIR) interaction with the magnetosphere
– Space weather services, tools, monitoring, and alerts for end-users
– Application of the AI methods into the product pipeline

A single OPS session is intended for which one can only propose a team of conveners to lead the session. The team should be formed keeping diversity in mind. One of the PC members will join the team to offer support for this session.