National Astronomy Meeting 2023

The Royal Astronomical Society’s 2023 National Astronomy Meeting (NAM 2023) will be held at Cardiff University from Monday 3rd July to Friday 7th July. In addition to the UK’s astronomy community, the meeting includes the UK Solar Physics (UKSP) community, and participation from the Magnetosphere Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial (MIST) community.

The call for session proposals is now open. We encourage members of the Astronomy, UKSP and MIST community from all levels of seniority to apply for specialist and cross-disciplinary scientific presentation and discussion sessions. As well as hosting parallel sessions of varying duration, the conference may host collaborative meetings, workshops and lunch sessions. The applicants of any successful proposals will be expected to take on the role of scientific organisers of the session. We also encourage proposals for dedicated sessions on issues relevant to the UK astronomical community, such as sustainability, engagement, diversity and inclusion.

For the first time at NAM2023, we are also providing the opportunity for the community to apply for longer two-day “key sessions”, which allow for more in-depth coverage of exciting areas. At NAM2023 these sessions will have the theme of “Origins”, interpreted broadly. If you wish your session proposal to be considered for a key session slot simply indicate this in the submission form below.

We are currently planning for a hybrid meeting, in which a large number of participants attend in person, but with the opportunity for remote participation for additional delegates. Session conveners should consider any implications for their proposals. The health and safety of NAM 2023 delegates is of the utmost importance to us, and we will be monitoring ongoing global developments due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Proposals should be submitted on-line at
The deadline for submitting proposals for sessions is Tuesday 31st Jan 2023 at 17:00 UTC.

For information or queries about NAM 2023 please contact the organisers on For the meeting code of conduct please use this URL:

Best wishes,
Dr Timothy A. Davis (he/him)
Chair of the SOC, Cardiff University