Registration Deadline – WISA@Northumbria, 20-23 June 2023

The first Waves and Instabilities in the Solar Atmosphere (WISA) meeting will be held on 20-23 June 2023 at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. The final registration deadline is June 1st.

This meeting will focus on four key topics, namely:
– Wave generation, energy transport, dissipation and heating
– Instabilities
– Seismology of solar and stellar atmospheres
– Novel diagnostic techniques and forward modelling

The meeting will include a full-day workshop (half-day theory + half-day tutorials) on novel diagnostic techniques. We will have tutorials on:
– MHD spectroscopy (LEGOLAS code), given by Niels Claes (KU Leuven)
– Fourier and wavelet analysis (WOW code), given by Frédéric Auchère (IAS)
– Motion magnification, given by Tim Duckenfield (Northumbria U)
– Sonification of astronomical data (STRAUSS code), given by Christopher Harrison (Newcastle U) and James Trayford (Portsmouth U)

Registration fee: £120 (includes Daily refreshments, Lunch, Welcome Reception, and Conference dinner). Please apply at:

Participants having any queries regarding the registration process can send an email to WISA-LOC (