The Solar Physics sessions at IAGA, Division IV: Solar Wind and Interplanetary Field, are below. Since sessions cover a broad range of topics in Heliophysics, the conveners of each session would appreciate hearing from those interested in attending. After submitting your abstract on the meeting website, please send a title and abstract to the convener, so we can plan the sessions based on interest and anticipated attendance. For session descriptions and more information visit:
A27 Advances and Upcoming Development in Solar and Heliospheric Physics
Mari Paz Miralles,
A28 Turbulent Energy Dissipation and Particle Dynamics in the Solar Wind and the Solar Corona
Luca Franci,
A29 Advances in Understanding Solar Transients and Particle Events in the Corona and Heliosphere
Erika Palmerio,
A30 Comparative Magnetospheres and Associated Regions
Xóchitl Blanco-Cano,
A31 Solar Eruptions: Their Origin, Source Region Evolution, and Forecast Implications
Alexander Nindos,
A32 Solar Cycle 25 and Comparisons to Previous Cycles
Nishu Karna,
J04 Data assimilation and Machine Learning: Challenges and Leveraging New Opportunities
Laure Lefevre,
Important Dates:
Abstracts/Travel Grants Open Until, 12 March 2025
Registration Open Until, 21 May 2025
For abstract submission, registration, and more information visit the meeting website