Hi all,
URSI’s 2025 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC) will be held in Sydney, Australia, August 17-22, 2025. The call for abstracts is open from now until February 20th and submission can be made using the conference website: https://ap-rasc.com/
Session G02 Novel radio instruments and techniques for Space Weather model validation, assimilation, and testing encourages submissions related to ionospheric, thermospheric, magnetospheric, or mesospheric data assimilation and validation including new methods, systems, or measurement techniques.
If these topics interest you consider submitting an abstract using the conference submission website: https://ap-rasc.com/papersubmission.php
Not particularly interested in Data Assimilation or Measurement Techniques? Check out the other Commission G (Ionosphere and Radio Propagation) or Commission H (Waves in Plasma) sessions.
The full list of Commission G (Ionosphere and Radio Propagation) Sessions can be found here: https://cloud.ilabt.imec.be/index.php/s/FQKn4MZb94Kc8dn
The full list of Commission H (Waves in Plasma) Sessions can be found here: https://cloud.ilabt.imec.be/index.php/s/kRFTmKnXgDFLgA5
Session G02 Chairs
David Themens, Daria Kotova, Jeff Steward, and Ningbo Wang