SolarNuggets for December 2024

Please find the SolarNuggets, which continue the earlier series of RHESSI Nuggets, at

Entries for December 2024:

No. 480, “Faraday’s Law in Solar Flares: A Cautionary Message,” by Michael FARADAY. We must not forget the global implications of Faraday’s law.

No. 481, “Advection and super-diffusive expansion as the model of flare accelerated electron transport in type III solar radio bursts,” by Eduard KONTAR et al.: A resolution of Sturrock’s dilemma

No. 482, “High-resolution observational analysis of flare ribbon fine structures,” by Jonas THOEN FABER. Spatially periodic but unresolved emission kernels.

No. 483, “Spatial and Spectral Evolution of Microwave and X-Ray Sources During the Limb Flare SOL2023-02-05,” by Yulia SHAMSUTDINOVA. Rare microwave imaging spectroscopy of a hot-onset precursor event.

No. 484, “Unveiling CME Dynamics: Rare Rotations of CMEs in the Heliosphere,” by Sandeep KUMAR and Nandita SRIVASTAVA. CMEs usually do not show additional rotation as they move though the heliosphere, but there are interesing cases.

As always, we welcome new items and encourage opinion pieces and news items as well as descriptions of new discoveries. Just email Hugh Hudson with a page of text and 2-3 nice figures.