Astronomy Guidelines – 2019

Dear Colleagues

This note is to advise that the closing date for the 2019 Astronomy Grant Round is 6th February 2019. Submissions are accepted from 1st December 2018.

The Astronomy Guidelines for Applicants have been revised and can be found at:

Applicants are strongly advised to read the guidelines in detail and contact the office with any queries.
Key points or revisions from the 2018 guidelines have been highlighted in yellow within the document and summarised briefly below for information:

– The structure of proposals – Please ensure the project case for support includes a clearly defined lead applicant and clearly defined roles for all PDRAs, Technicians and Applicants requesting funding.
– The AGP will consider projects as presented, if an Applicant chooses to propose a project with more than one PDRA they should be aware the panel will not recommend partial funding of the project (e.g. for only one PDRA of the two requested, it will either recommend funding or not funding the request).
– Page Limits – All pages (including references) must be written in standard Arial 11pt (or an equivalent regular sans serif universal font). Please note our preferred font is Arial 11pt.
– Facilities Table – this replaces the Je-S facilities section previously used, please see the revised guidance and template on page 8. This should be submitted as part of the case for support.
– Applicant Time – For projects requiring the management of a PDRA the AGP would expect the lead Applicant to request a minimum of 15%FTE support. In projects where two or more applicants have been requested at the same level of FTE a project lead must nonetheless be identified.

New groups submitting their first consolidated grant proposal or those considering a consortium grant submission are advised to inform the Office.

If you have any queries please contact the AGP Programme Manager (