UKSP Nuggets

Introducing UKSP Nuggets, short articles highlighting solar physics led from the UK. This is modelled after Hugh Hudson’s Yohkoh Science Nuggets, which ran from 1997 to 2002, and the subsequent RHESSI Nuggets, which started in 2005. As Hugh puts it

a nugget is a lump, especially of native gold or other precious metal. We hope our science nuggets contain some precious substance but since they are written by working scientists, there may be rough spots.

Whilst summarising recently authored papers is the most common subject matter, these brief articles can also be used to share more general information on topics relevant to solar physics in the UK. For example, one could treat their nugget as a short review of recent discoveries, publicising new missions or datasets, advancements in analytical and computational techniques, solicitations for collaborations on topics, or perhaps just an interesting solar event that you think should garner more attention from the community.

Nuggets should be a way to spark discussion and share ideas within the community, therefore we would like to broaden the scope of what a UKSP nugget can be.

We warmly invite community members of all levels of seniority to publish and share information on any relevant topic, no matter the scale. 

If you would you like to author a nugget please contact us our Nugget editors:

Remember the nugget needs to be short and succinct, we want a nugget not a mine.

Other Nuggets: RHESSI, Hinode/EIS, CESRA/radio, SDO/HMI.

134. The Influence of Different Phases of a Solar Flare on Changes in the Total Electron Content in the Earth’s Ionosphere
by Susanna Bekker (Queen’s University Belfast)
and Ryan Milligan (Queen’s University Belfast)
133. X-class Flares, Crochets, and Carrington
by Hugh Hudson (University of Glasgow)
Superflares – Carrington event
132. Phase mixing of propagating Alfvén waves in a single-fluid partially ionized solar plasma
by Max McMurdo (University of Sheffield)
Evolution of the transport coefficients in the lower atmosphere
131. Swirls in the solar corona
by Cosima Breu (University of St. Andrews).
Magnetic funnels transport energy into the solar corona.
130. How do particles accelerated in solar flares escape into the heliosphere?
by Mykola Gordovskyy (University of Hertfordshire), Philippa Browning (University of Manchester) and Kanya Kusano (Nagoya University).
Simulations reveal why energetic particles accelerated in solar flares are different in the corona and the heliosphere.
129. Are Internetwork Magnetic Fields in the Solar Photosphere Horizontal or Vertical?
by Ryan Campbell, Michail Mathioudakis (Queen’s University Belfast), Ricardo Gafeira (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía), Carlos Quintero Noda and Manuel Collados (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias).
Why signal-to-noise should be prioritised in spectropolarimetric observations of the quiet Sun.
128. Self-generated Turbulent Reconnection
by Raheem Beg, Alexander Russell and Gunnar Hornig (University of Dundee).
The latest models of magnetic reconnection are fast, triggered and fully 3D.
127. The Lyman Continuum Formation during Solar Flares
by Shaun A. McLaughlin, Ryan O. Milligan (Queens University Belfast).
New 1D field-aligned radiative hydrodynamic modelling of the Lyman Continuum during solar flares.
126. Successive interacting coronal mass ejections: How to create a perfect storm?
by Gordon Koehn (Imperial College), Ravindra Desai (University of Warwick, Imperial College), Emma Davies (University of New Hampshire), Robert Forsyth and Jonathan Eastwood (Imperial College), Stefaan Poedts (KU Leuven, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University).
Magnetic reconnection in CME-CME interactions modulates their magnetic flux content and resultant geo-effectiveness.
125. Density and temperature structure of plasmoids in jets
by Sargam Mulay (Glasgow), Durgesh Tripathi (IUCAA), Helen Mason, Giulio Del Zanna (Cambridge) and Vasilis Archontis (St. Andrews).
New measurements of plasmoid properties in coronal jets.
124. The independence of kink oscillation periods on noise
by Valery Nakariakov, Dmitrii Kolotkov and Sihui Zhong (Warwick)
Periods of decayless kink oscillations of coronal loops are practically unaffected by noise.
123. Transverse Oscillations of Spicules and Estimating Their Energy Flux
by William Bate (QUB)
High cadence observations show a possible contribution to atmospheric heating.
122. Direct evidence that twisted flux tube emergence creates solar active regions
by David MacTaggart (Glasgow), Chris Prior, Breno Raphaldini (Durham), and Paolo Romano, Salvo Guglielmino (INAF Catania)
A new way of measuring twist is applied to magnetic flux emergence.
121. Quasi-periodic problems; what’s going on with QPPs?
by Tishtrya Mehta (Warwick)
Clues to the origins of the flare QPP phenomenon from observations of an increasing pulsation period.
120. NuSTAR observations of weak microflares
by Kristopher Cooper and Iain Hannah (Glasgow)
Reaching new limits for wee X-ray flares.
119. Solar magnetic vortices
by Suzana Silva , Gary Verth, Viktor Fedun (Sheffield), Erico Rempel (ITA), Sergiy Shelyag (Deakin), Luiz Schiavo (UNESP)
Introducing a practical definition for a vortex in the magnetic field.
118. Tour de France of compressive waves in the Sun’s corona
by Dmitrii Kolotkov and Valery Nakariakov (Warwick)
Using fast wave trains to probe the transverse structure of the waveguiding coronal plasma.
117. A numerical tool for obtaining wave eigenvalues in non-uniform solar waveguides
by Samuel Skirvin, Viktor Fedun and Gary Verth (Sheffield)
How to understand MHD waves without solving dispersion equations.
116. Pushing GREGOR to the limit: observing weak, small-scale magnetism in the photosphere with the GRIS-IFU
by Ryan J. Campbell, Mihalis Mathioudakis, Peter H. Keys, Chris J. Nelson, Aaron Reid (QUB), Manuel Collados, Andrés Asensio Ramos (IAC), David Kuridze (Aberystwyth)
Measurements of photospheric internetwork fields show the power of integral field units in solar physics.
115. Revealing the dynamic & magnetic nature of chromospheric vortices
by Juie Shetye* and Erwin Verwichte at the (Warwick, *NMSU)
Using spectropolarimetry to dive into chromospheric swirls.
114. Hidden Coronal Loop Strands within Hi-C 2.1 Data
by Thomas Williams and Robert W. Walsh (UCLan)
Statistical width analysis of high-resolution observations finds hidden strands.
113. Probing small-scale solar magnetic fields
by Mykola Gordovskyy and Philippa Browning (Manchester), Sergiy Shelyag (Deakin), Vsevolod Lozitsky (Kyiv)
A new method to detect strong sub-resolution magnetic flux elements.
112. Particle acceleration and transport in CME eruptions
by Qian Xia and Valentina Zharkova (Northumbria)
Simulations reveal the locations of most efficient flare particle acceleration.
111. Increasing occurrence of inverted magnetic fields from 0.3 to 1 au
by Allan Macneil, Mathew Owens, Mike Lockwood, Matthew Lang, Sarah Bentley (Reading) and Robert Wicks (Northumbria)
Are growing magnetic switchbacks the result of bending of the heliospheric field by waves and turbulence?
110. Flare/CME Cartoons
by Hugh Hudson, Nicolina Chrysaphi and Norman Gray (Glasgow)
A brand-new version of the grand archive.
109. Kink oscillations of sigmoid coronal loops
by Norbert Magyar and Valery M. Nakariakov (Warwick)
Diagnostics of free magnetic energy?
108. Cool and hot emission in a recurring active region jet
by Sargam Mulay (Glasgow/Cambridge), Giulio Del Zanna, and Helen Mason (DAMTP/Cambridge)
A unique multi-instrument analysis shows co-spatial cool and hot material in a solar jet.
107. Forced reconnection unveiled in the large-scale corona
by Gerry Doyle (Armagh), Abhishek Srivastava, Sudheer Mishra, Bhola Dwivedi, Dipankar Banerjee (India), Petr Jelı́nek, Pradeep Kayshap (Czech Republic), Tanmoy Samanta, Hui Tian (China), Vaibhav Pant (Belgium)
Energy release driven by external perturbations.
106. A new procedure for detecting periodicities within complex coronal arcades
by Farhad Allian, Rekha Jain (Sheffield) and Bradley W. Hindman (CU Boulder).
X marks the bright loops on the autocorrelation maps.
105. Transient inverse-FIP effect observed during a solar flare
by Deborah Baker, Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi, David Long (MSSL) and David H. Brooks (GMU).
Can plasma composition tell us about processes occurring below the surface of the Sun?
104. Comparing Different Methods for Computing Solar Angular Momentum Loss
by Adam Finley, Sean Matt and Victor See (Exeter).
The Sun’s current angular momentum loss rate appears weaker than similar stars.
103. Modelling multi-scale solar eruptions
by Petros Syntelis, Vasilis Archontis (St Andrews) and Kanaris Tsinganos (Athens).
Studying the scaling from small jets to large CMEs.
102. Do p-modes power the corona of cool stars?
by Richard Morton (Northumbria).
A bump in CoMP data suggests an overlooked source of energy for the corona.
101. Mapping the magnetic field of solar coronal loops
by David Kuridze (Aberystwyth), Mihalis Mathioudakis (QUB) and Huw Morgan (Aberystwyth).
Coronal spectropolarimetric measurements point the way for the next generation of ground-based solar telescope.
100. A Century of UKSP Nuggets
by Iain Hannah and Lyndsay Fletcher (Glasgow).
A look back at the first 99 nuggets.
99. Preflare and flare turbulence in the transition region
by Natasha Jeffrey, Lyndsay Fletcher, Nicolas Labrosse (Glasgow) and Paulo Simões (MacKenzie).
High cadence flare observations with IRIS provide evidence for transition region heating by turbulence.
98. Observing and Modelling a Flux Rope in the Corona
by Alexander James, Lucie Green, Gherardo Valori, and Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi (MSSL/UCL).
Reconstructing a pre-eruptive high-altitude flux rope that formed by reconnection in the corona.
97. Jet formation and evolution due to 3D magnetic reconnection
by Viktor Fedun, Gary Verth (Sheffield), J. J. González-Avilés (IGUM-UNAM), F. S. Guzmán (IFM-UMSNH), S. Shelyag (Deakin) and S. Regnier (Northumbria).
Numerical simulations show the importance of the Lorentz force for chromospheric jets.
96. Magnetic Helicity, Sunspot Number and Solar Activity
by Gareth Hawkes and Mitchell Berger (Exeter).
Is Magnetic Helicity the true driver of Sunspot Activity?
95. TWIKH-ing Spicules
by Patrick Antolin, Ineke De Moortel (St Andrews), Don Schmit, Bart De Pontieu (LMSAL) and Tiago M. D. Pereira (Oslo)
No need for tricks: TWIKH rolls may explain the observations of spicules.
94. Evidence of coronal jets in the solar wind?
by Tim Horbury, David Stansby (Imperial) and Lorenzo Matteini (LESIA/Paris).
Short, large amplitude velocity spikes observed at 60 solar radii.
93. The Magnetic Response of the Solar Atmosphere to Umbral Flashes
by Scott Houston, David Jess, Samuel Grant, Krishna Prasad (QUB), Andrés Asensio Ramos (IAC), Christian Beck (NSO), Aimee Norton (Stanford).
Magneto-acoustic shocks influencing magnetic field geometry in a sunspot.
92. Null collapse & oscillatory reconnection about 3D magnetic null points
by Jonathan Thurgood (Northumbria/Dundee), David Pontin (Dundee) and James McLaughlin (Northumbria).
The nature of inherently time-dependent, wave generating reconnection revealed by MHD simulations.
91. Magnetic field line tangling and twisting in the corona
by Simon Candelaresi, David Pontin, Gunnar Hornig (Dundee), Anthony Yeates (Durham), Paul Bushby (Newcastle).
Measuring highly efficient mixing flow from the photosphere.
90. A novel magneto-seismology technique for solar magnetic field diagnostics
by Matthew Allcock and Robertus Erdélyi (Sheffield).
Breaking symmetry to probe coronal structures.
89. When are Coronal Jets miniature CMEs?
by Peter Wyper (Durham) and C. Richard DeVore and Spiro Antiochos (NASA/GSFC).
Numerical Simulations of jets driven by mini-filament eruptions.
88. Excitation of coronal loop oscillations by coronal rain
by Petra Kohutova and Erwin Verwichte (Warwick).
Thermal instability and coronal rain formation can excite coronal loop oscillations.
87. Giant solar loops and LOFAR radio observations
by Hamish Reid and Eduard Kontar (Glasgow).
Using LOFAR’s high resolution to map accelerated electrons in a colossal coronal loop.
86. Evidence of recurrent reconnection driving fan-shaped jets
by Aaron Reid, Mihalis Mathioudakis (QUB), Vasco Henriques (UiO), Tanmoy Samanta (Peking).
Photospheric activity drives chromospheric jets in a sunspot.
85. The role of the magnetic field in sunquakes
by Lucie Green, Gherardo Valori, Francesco Zuccarello, Sarah Matthews (MSSL/UCL), Sergei Zharkov (Hull) and Salvo Guglielmino (Catania).
Magnetic lensing could determine the location of sunquakes.
84. The first NuSTAR microflare
by Paul Wright and Iain Hannah (Glasgow)
A tiny X-ray flare resembles bigger events.
83. Beam electrons as sources of Hα ribbons in a C-class flare
by Valentina Zharkova, Malcolm Druett and Eamon Scullion (Northumbria)
New flare simulations explain a decades-old redshift mystery.
82. Propagation of information within coronal mass ejections
by Matthew Owens (Reading)
Communication by Alfven waves sets a basic limit to the coherence of propagating CMEs.
81. Time dependence of heavy ion ratios in solar events
by Peter Zelina and Silvia Dalla (UCLan)
Studying SEP transport through modelling and observations of heavy ions.
80. Large Scale Coronal Structures Imaged During the 2012/2013 Total Solar Eclipses
by Nathalia Alzate, Huw Morgan (Aberystwyth University), Shadia R. Habbal (IfA, Hawai’i), Miloslav Druckmüller (Brno UT), Constantinos Emmanouilidis (K@stro Obs)
The imprints of dynamical events in the 2012 and 2013 total solar eclipses.
79. Flare Forecasting at the Met Office Space Weather Operations Centre
by Sophie Murray (TCD), Suzy Bingham, Mike Sharpe, and David Jackson (Met Office)
Space weather predictions are better with a human touch.
78. Tracking flare chromospheric ionisation in the infrared
by Paulo Simões, Lyndsay Fletcher, Hugh Hudson (Glasgow), Graham Kerr (NASA GSFC), Guigue Giménez de Castro (Mackenzie), Matt Penn (NSO)
Observations and simulations together show how the infrared continuum tells us about a basic physical process in flares.
77. Just before an X-class flare
by Magnus Woods, Louise Harra, Sarah Matthews, Sally Dacie, David Long (MSSL) & Duncan Mackay (St. Andrews)
Fast flows along a flux rope in the pre-flare period.
76. Non-thermal line broadening in flaring coronal loops
by Mykola Gordovskyy, Philippa Browning (Manchester) & Eduard Kontar (Glasgow)
Broad spectral line profiles in flares can be explained by flows and turbulence in a twisting, reconnecting loop.
75. Probing the corona through infrared observations
by Richard Morton (Northumbria)
How the infrared spectrum could help study coronal dynamics
74. Sunquake survey of X-class flares for the current solar cycle
by Connor Macrae & Sergei Zharkov (Hull)
Improved detection methods unearth more sunquakes from the current solar cycle
73. The European Solar Telescope
by Sarah Matthews (UCL-MSSL), Mihalis Mathioudakis (QUB) and Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen (Sheffield)
A planned pan-European 4m telescope to be based in the Canary Islands
72. Particle dynamics in a non-flaring solar active region model
by James Threlfall, Thomas Neukirch, Clare E. Parnell (St Andrews) and Philippe-Andre Bourdin (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Accelerating test particles in a MHD active region
71. The Sun as an exoplanet-host star
by Raphaëlle Haywood and Andrew Collier Cameron (St Andrews)
Solar observations with a new instrument help in the search for Earth twins
70. Magnetic Flux Cancellation in Ellerman Bombs
by Aaron Reid & Mihalis Mathioudakis (QUB)
A nice CRISP view of small scale flux cancellation in Ellerman bombs
69. Low-Coronal Sources of “Stealth” Coronal Mass Ejections
by Nathalia Alzate & Huw Morgan (Aberystwyth University)
Image processing reveals the Not-So-Stealthy Sun.
68. Random bursty perturbations leading to wave-like characteristics in the corona
by Ding Yuan and Robert W. Walsh (UCLan), Jiangtao Su (NAOC), Fangran Jiao (Shandong University)
Do coronal oscillations imply a periodic driver?
67. Solar Physics with SunPy
by Stuart Mumford & Andrew Leonard (Sheffield & on behalf of SunPy)
The future of solar physics data analysis?
66. Evidence for similar processes occurring in stellar superflares and solar flares
by Chloe Pugh, Valery Nakariakov & Anne-Marie Broomhall (Warwick)
Solar-like behaviour in stellar superflare lightcurves
65. EUV irradiances across a solar cycle
by Giulio Del Zanna (Cambridge)
SOHO’s CDS spectrometer can be used to study the Sun’s impact on the Earth
64. 3D Electron Density Distributions in the Solar Corona during Solar Minimum
by Judith de Patoul and Claire Foullon (Exeter) and Pete Riley (Predictive Science)
A new tomographic method promises better solar wind models
63. Can a single active region change the course of the solar cycle?
by Anthony Yeates (Durham) and Deb Baker, Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi (UCL/MSSL)
Active regions with extreme tilt could limit the predictability of solar activity
62. Coronal loop contraction and oscillation in flares
by Alexander Russell (Dundee) and Paulo Simoes, Lyndsay Fletcher (Glasgow)
A single framework for implosions and loop oscillations can shed light on flare energy release
61. Simultaneous IRIS and Hinode/EIS observation and modelling of an X-class flare
by Vanessa Polito (DAMTP/Cambridge)
Chromospheric evaporation in solar flares.
60. The UK in DKIST
by Lyndsay Fletcher (Glasgow), Mihalis Mathioudakis (Queen’s University Belfast) and Erwin Verwichte (Warwick)
A new solar behemoth is coming – find out how the UK is involved
59. Propagating Sausage Mode Waves Damping in the Chromosphere
by Samuel Grant and David Jess (Queen’s University Belfast)
ROSA observations of energy leaking from MHD waves in pores
58. Space Weather Forecasting and Research at the Met Office
by Sophie Murray (Met Office)
As if predicting the British weather wasn’t challenging enough…..
57. First direct measurements of transverse waves in solar polar plumes using SDO/AIA
by Jonathan Thurgood (Queen Mary University of London) & Richard Morton, James McLaughlin (Northumbria University)
AIA observations of kink waves in coronal holes suggest they can’t accelerate the fast solar wind.
56. Observation of a high-quality wave train in the solar corona
by Giuseppe Nisticò, David J. Pascoe, Valery M. Nakariakov & Christopher R. Goddard (University of Warwick)
Observations and simulations show how a wave train runs off its coronal tracks.
55. On the plasma and magnetic field structure of prominence legs
by Peter Levens, Nicolas Labrosse (University of Glasgow), Brigitte Schmieder (Observatoire de Paris) & Arturo López Ariste (IRAP, Toulouse)
Can we unweave the magnetic field from the twisted plasma in prominences?
54. Assessing the polarization ratio technique for 3D CME reconstructions
by Paolo Pagano, Duncan Mackay (University of St Andrews) & Alessandro Bemporad (Turin/INAF)
How well can we use METIS coronagraph observations to locate CMEs in space?
53. Helical Blowout Jets in the Sun
by Eon Jui Lee, Vasilis Archontis & Alan Hood (University of St Andrews)
Numerical simulations demonstrate untwisting and Alfven wave propagation as a jet erupts
52. Coronal “Puffs”: fast and slow ejections caused by active region jets
by Nathalia Alzate & Huw Morgan (Aberystwyth University)
An eruption loses its moorings among a series of small puffs.
51. Observational signatures of magnetic reconnection in kink-unstable coronal loops
by Mykola Gordovskyy, Philippa Browning (University of Manchester) and Rui Pinto (Observatoire de Paris)
What would the flare X-ray emission from a twisted loop look like?
50. 3D Visualisation of the Eigenmodes of a Straight Magnetic Flux Tube
by Ioannis Giagkiozis, Viktor Fedun, Robertus Erdélyi, and Gary Verth (University of Sheffield)
Online visualisations of MHD modes can aid solar physicists in interpreting imaging and spectroscopic data.
49. Using STEREO/HI to image a circumsolar dust ring near the orbit of Venus
by Danielle Bewsher (UCLan), Mark Jones (OU) & Daniel Brown (UCLan)
So you thought STEREO was a solar observatory…. How HI is also making discoveries in planetary science.
48. Possible Evidence for Alfvenic Turbulence in Coronal Loops
by Ineke De Moortel (University of St Andrews)
High-frequency waves in loops contain more energy than expected – are we seeing the onset of Alfvenic turbulence?
47. Filaments and Magnetic Memory in the Solar Corona
by Anthony Yeates (Durham University)
How time-evolution may be inescapable when computing magnetic field extrapolations
46. The source of the slow solar wind revealed by heliospheric observations
by Matt Owens (University of Reading)
Heliospheric magnetic flux topology and connectivity deduced from suprathermal electrons sheds light on the slow wind formation.
45. A new approach to unveil the shape of interplanetary structures
by Miho Janvier (University of Dundee), Pascal Démoulin (Observatoire de Paris) and Sergio Dasso (IAFE-DF-DCAO)
How local in situ data can still reveal the mean shape of interplanetary structures.
44. Slipping reconnection during a solar flare
by Jaroslav Dudík (University of Cambridge)
Comparing observations with a 3D model
43. Solar Dynamo Waves at High Magnetic Reynolds Number
by Steve Tobias (University of Leeds)
Order from chaos – cyclic dynamo waves emerge from a sea of turbulence
42. SDO observations of a flare’s coronal “implosion”
by Paulo Simões, Lyndsay Fletcher and Hugh Hudson (University of Glasgow) and Alexander Russell (University of Dundee)
The corona collapses at the start of a flare
41. Magnetic Reconnection in an X-point Collapse
by Jan Graf von der Pahlen and David Tsiklauri (Queen Mary University)
The effects of the guide-field and boundary conditions
40. Once in a blue-shift moon
by David Williams (MSSL/UCL)
Hinode/EIS and SDO/AIA catch an erupting filament simultaneously
39. Continuum contributions to the SDO/AIA passbands during solar flares
by Ryan Milligan (QUB)
SDO/EVE sheds new light on flare free-free emission in the EUV
38. Hi-C observations of EUV anti-parallel filament flows and sparkling dots
by Caroline Alexander, Stephane Regnier and Robert Walsh (UCLan)
Flows and sparkles in the stream of Hi-C data.
37. What is our current understanding of solar irradiance variations?
by William T. Ball (Imperial College London)
How well are we able to reproduce the observed irradiance variations of the Sun?
Special: Three years of UKSP Nuggets
by Iain Hannah and Lyndsay Fletcher (University of Glasgow)
Some stats, figures and thanks for three years of UKSP Nuggets.
36. Observations of Alfvén Vortices in the fast solar wind
by Owen Wyn Roberts, Xing Li (Aberystwyth University) and Bo Li (Shandong University, China)
Cluster data reveals rotational solitary structure of magnetic field in the solar wind
35. Decayless coronal loop oscillations seen by SDO/AIA
by Giuseppe Nisticò, V. M. Nakariakov, and E. Verwichte, CFSA, University of Warwick
Kink oscillations of coronal loops suggestive of two distinct drivers.
34. Discovery of the Sausage-Pinch Instability in Solar Corona
by Abhi K. Srivastava1, R. Erdélyi2, D. Tripathi3, V. Fedun2, N.C. Joshi1, P. Kayshap1
1ARIES, India, 2 The University of Sheffield, 3 IUCAA, India.

AIA observations of a lumpy filament reveal a fundamental MHD instability in the corona.
33. ROSA observations of concurrent kink and sausage modes in chromospheric fibrils
by Richard Morton, Northumbria University
Evidence for ubiquitous and energetic MHD waves.
32. Twisted flux tube emergence: rigid rise or nonlinear deformation?
by David MacTaggart, University of Abertay Dundee
Testing the observational evidence for rigid flux tube emergence.
31. Emission measure maps of a CME seen by SDO/AIA
by Iain Hannah and Eduard Kontar, University of Glasgow
Mapping dynamical heating in a CME.
30. Could the unusual solar minimum have been predicted?
by Anne-Marie Broomhall*,#, S. Basu, W.J. Chaplin#, Y. Elsworth#
*University of Warwick, #University of Birmingham, Yale University

Helioseismic warnings of the Sun’s strange behaviour.
29. Particle dynamics in the heliospheric current sheet
by Valentina Zharkova (University of Bradford) and O. Khabarova (Heliophysical Laboratory of IZMIRAN, Russia)
A model for particle interactions with the heliospheric current sheet solves three puzzles at once
28. Space weather at the Institution of Engineering and Technology
by Chris Davis, RAL Space
Highlights of the IET “Solar Storms: Predicting and protecting against geomagnetic storms” meeting.
27. Weighing a filament by its photoionisation shadow
by Dave Williams, Deb Baker and Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi, UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Dark matters: AIA measurements of filament absorption reveals its mass
26. Modeling the life of a flux rope from formation to ejection
by Paolo Pagano and Duncan Mackay, University of St Andrews
Modeling how a newly formed flux rope is ejected in the solar corona
25. Role of Structured Turbulence in Energetic Particle Propagation
by Timo Laitinen, Silvia Dalla and James Kelly, University of Central Lancashire
How clumps and structures in the solar wind affect SEPs and Cosmic Rays
24. Asymmetric Reconnection at 3D Magnetic Null Points
by Peter Wyper, Rekha Jain (University of Sheffield) and David Pontin (University of Dundee)
Could magnetic nulls be dancing around in the solar corona?
23. Observations of transverse oscillations in chromospheric mottles
by David Kuridze, M. Mathioudakis (Queen’s University Belfast), R.J. Morton and R. Erdélyi (University of Sheffield)
Transverse oscillations in chromospheric mottles
22. A huge solar tornado observed by Solar Dynamic Observatory
by Xing Li, Huw Morgan, Drew Leonard and Lauren Jeska, Aberystwyth University
A solar twister appears as mass and magnetic flux are injected into the corona
21. Plasma parameters in eruptive prominences from SDO/AIA observations
by Kristopher McGlinchey and Nicolas Labrosse, University of Glasgow
Non-LTE radiative transfer models help us to understand intensity variations observed by SDO/AIA in prominence eruptions
20. Rapid Cavity Formation and Expansion in CMEs
by Bernhard Kliem*, Terry G. Forbes, Spiros Patsourakos#, Angelos Vourlidas§
*MSSL/UCL, University of New Hampshire, #University of Ioannina, §NRL

EUV cavities in fast CMEs are due to an inverse pinch effect.
19. Quasi-biennial variations in helioseismic frequencies
by Anne-Marie Broomhall, W.J. Chaplin, Y. Elsworth, University of Birmingham
BiSON data hints at mysterious goings on in the solar interior during the recent, unusual solar minimum.
18. Mega-tsunamis above the surface of the Sun
by Eamon Scullion*,†, Robert Erdélyi*, Victor Fedun* and Gerry Doyle,
*University of Sheffield and Armagh Observatory

Acoustic wave transmission from photosphere to corona in spicules.
17. Transverse coronal loop oscillations seen by AIA/SDO
by Rebecca White and Erwin Verwichte, University of Warwick
Probing the coronal plasma with the diagnostic power of kink waves.
16. The Alfvén Amplifier
by Youra Taroyan, Aberystwyth University
The Alfvén instability of steady state flux tubes.
15. Structure and Dynamics of a Polar Crown Cavity as Observed by SDO/AIA
by Stéphane Régnier, Robert Walsh and Caroline Alexander, University of Central Lancashire
EUV observations of an erupting cavity.
14. A New Model for the Solar Magnetic Carpet
by Karen Meyer, Duncan Mackay University of St Andrews, and Aad van Ballegooijen, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Quiet sun observations motivate dynamic model of the photosphere.
13. The density of EUV flare footpoints
by David Graham, Lyndsay Fletcher & Iain Hannah, University of Glasgow
Density diagnostics of flare footpoints show a little bit of corona in the chromosphere.
12. The Heating of Coronal Loops by Random Photospheric Twisting
by Michael Bareford, Philippa Browning, University of Manchester and Ronald Van der Linden, Royal Observatory of Belgium
Random twisting of loop footpoints produces bursty heating in a coronal loop.
11. Tracking CME effects from “the Sun to the mud”
by Peter Gallagher, Pietro Zucca, Eoin Carley and Joe McCauley, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
New solar radio telescopes at Birr Castle continues tradition of astronomical discovery.
10. Searching for the Origin of Sun-quakes
by Sarah Matthews, Sergei Zharkov & Valentina Zharkova, Mullard Space Science Lab and University of Bradford
What launches a sunquake – particles, heating, or something completely different?
9. The influence of coronal loop cooling on transverse oscillations
by Richard Morton and Robert Erdélyi, University of Sheffield
From static to dynamic – loop oscillations and cooling plasmas.
8. Magnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Sun
by Claire Foullon, University of Warwick
New SDO/AIA images show CME ripples like clouds on Earth.
7. The size distribution of the Magnetic Bright Points in the quiet photosphere
by M. Mathioudakis, P. Crockett, D. Jess, S. Shelyag, F. Keenan, D. Christian, Queen’s University Belfast
Have we resolved the smallest photospheric magnetic elements ?
6. Coupled Alfvén and Kink Oscillations Propagating in the Solar Corona
by David Pascoe, University of St. Andrews
Transverse waves are observed throughout the corona – are they Alfven waves or kink waves – or could they be both?
5. MHD wave propagation and magnetic topology
by James McLaughlin, Northumbria University
What happens when waves meet reconnection.
4. SDO/AIA response to quiet Sun, active region and flare plasma
by Brendan O’Dwyer, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
Care must be taken when interpreting images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in terms of plasma temperature.
3. Solar flare electrons – testing the two-component model
by Jingnan Guo, Lyndsay Fletcher, Siming Liu & Eduard Kontar, University of Glasgow
Can we divide the flare electron distribution neatly into a slowly varying thermal component and a rapidly varying, non-thermal component or is this two-component model an over-simplification?
2. Magnetic Relaxation in the Solar Corona
by Antonia Wilmot-Smith, Anthony Yeates, Gunnar Hornig and David Pontin, University of Dundee.
Magnetic relaxation is a fundamental physical process, ubiquitous in the solar corona. In this nugget we overview some exciting new progress in relaxation theory and modelling made by UKSP researchers.
1. Probing the 3D structure of the F-corona with STEREO/HI
by Daniel Brown, University of Central Lancashire
While primarily designed to study CMEs, the Heliospheric Imagers on STEREO are versatile enough to study other phenomena such as the F-corona. This nugget uses HI observations to investigate the 3D structure and alignment of the F-corona.