5-year research positions in Astrophysics in Portugal (update)

from Ilidio lopes

Multidisciplinary Center for Astrophysics
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbon, Portugal

(Deadline: 15th September 2015)
The Multidisciplinary Center for Astrophysics (CENTRA) is accepting applications for 5-year research positions in Astrophysics for the forthcoming 2015 FCT call. The COSTAR/CENTRA group is looking for candidates in the topics of asteroseismology, stellar evolution, solar physics, observational astrophysics, observational cosmology, theoretical cosmology and particle physics (focus on dark matter and neutrinos). Candidates can apply for one of three types of grants, depending of their expertise and experience. If you are interested in applying in any of these research topics please contact Ilidio Lopes as soon as possible (see contact details below).

CENTRA is part of the Department of Physics at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). The Institute has been consistently the first Institution chosen by Portuguese undergraduates to pursue their careers in Science, Engineering and Technology. IST hosts the Portuguese largest scientific community in theoretical and experimental physics and related topics, participating in major international European collaborations including ESA, ESO and CERN. Presently, IST hosts 8 Research Institutes and 25 Research Centres.

Our research center provides a highly supportive academic and scientific environment giving Ph.D. students and researchers the opportunity to develop a successful international scientific career. Students and researchers that, following their academic experience, opt to follow a business path, can take advantage of the many links that IST has with the industry.
Ilidio Lopes (email): ilidio.lopes@tecnico.ulisboa.pt

CENTRA and COSTAR Websites:
FCT Website: