Call for papers: “The Future of Solar Interior Modelling: From a Standard to a Modern View of the Sun”

We solicit manuscripts on this general subject for inclusion in a Topical Collection of Solar Physics. The deadline for submission of statements of interest (SOI) with a tentative title, abstract, author list, and three suggestions for referees (preferably with e-mail) is 31 January 2024. The deadline for manuscript submission is 15 July 2024.

This Topical Collection was stimulated by the workshop “Future of Solar Modelling”, held in Sierre from 4 – 7 September 2023 ( This collection is not a conference proceedings, and it is not limited to research presented at the conference. All submissions must be completed original papers that meet the regular quality of the Journal. The Topical Collection can start off with one or two invited reviews to summarise the subject and frame the work in the research papers which follow. Topics to be included are:
– Helioseismology
– Transport of chemicals in the Sun
– Solar chemical abundances and solar atmosphere models
– Radiative opacities and equation of state for the solar plasma
– Solar internal rotation and transport of angular momentum
– Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the Sun
– Solar neutrinos
– Solar evolution and calibration of solar models

Please consult recent Topical Collections in Solar Physics. For further information, and submission of statements of interest, please contact the Editor-in-Chief Iñigo Arregui .

Iñigo Arregui (Solar Physics Editor), Gaël Buldgen, Jérôme Bétrisey, and Devesh Nandal (Guest Editors)