European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) 2023 Prizes – ***Deadline extension: March 1st, 2023***

The European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) of the European Physical Society (EPS) awards every year several prizes in recognition of the scientific excellence of European solar physicists and their service to the community.

– The 2023 ESPD Patricia Edwin PhD Thesis Prize will be awarded to a young researcher whose PhD thesis/viva was defended in 2022.
– The 2023 ESPD Giancarlo Noci Early Career Prize will be awarded to a young researcher whose PhD was awarded after 01/012019 (with possible extension).
– Moreover, starting with this year, a new prize (ESPD Kees Zwaan Inspirational Community Prize) will be awarded, with the aim of recognising researchers/technicians/organisations/groups whose contribution goes beyond scientific research in the field of Solar Physics.

These prizes are nomination-based. The deadline for nomination is extended to March 1st, 2023.

Further information about eligibility, documents to be included in the nomination package, and submission process for each prize can be found on the ESPD prizes webpage:

The ESPD Prize Committee

ESPD aspires to be an inclusive and welcoming environment for all who enjoy solar physics. In order to promote the gender equality in science, ESPD strongly encourages the nomination of young female solar physicists.