Dear Colleague,
I am writing on behalf of the Solar System Advisory Panel to request your input about questions relevant to the development of a new Roadmap by STFC Science Board (PPAN). SSAP is required to provide input in August, and is therefore consulting the community, requesting input by 5 July via this survey:
- Science Board (PPAN) provides STFC with strategic scientific advice on, and the assessment of, the STFC (Particle Physics, Astronomy and Nuclear Physics) PPAN programme, which includes particle astrophysics, space science and the accelerator and computational requirements of the PPAN programme
- STFC Science Board (PPAN) is developing a long-term prioritised PPAN Roadmap to set the guiderails on future investments.
- This will inform STFC’s planning decisions and help optimise delivery of excellent science and impact.
- To ensure that SB (PPAN) has the latest information that is consistent across the science areas, the Board has asked the Solar System Advisory Panel, and other Advisory Panels, to provide answers to 9 questions related to the current roadmap. SSAP are required to provide their input in August.
- To formulate its response, SSAP is consulting the community, and we encourage both individuals and research groups to complete this survey which allows you to answer the 9 questions directly. These questions are included at the end of this email. The survey can be found here:
Next steps:
- Please review the current Roadmap for Solar System Research
- Please review the presentation and information about the new Science Board (PPAN) Roadmap
- Please complete this survey by Friday 5 July
- The survey is anonymous but you are welcome to disclose your name and affiliation at the end if you wish
- We hope to offer a community discussion meeting at NAM in the week 15-19 July and at BPSC as well during the 21st June community session.
- SSAP will then prepare input to PPAN for the August deadline
Thank you in advance for your help and participation. If you have further questions or comments, please feel free to contact myself or any member of SSAP:
- Jonathan Eastwood (Imperial, Chair)
- John Bridges (Leicester, Deputy Chair and Science Board (PPAN) member)
- Patrick Antolin (Northumbria)
- Charlotte Goetz (Northumbria)
- Suzie Imber (Leicester)
- Ashley King (NHM)
- Adam Masters (Imperial)
- Romain Tartese (Manchester)
- Daniel Verscharen (UCL/MSSL)
Best wishes, on behalf of SSAP,
Jonathan Eastwood