RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting on MHD Wave and Oscillations

Dear colleague,

There will be a Royal Astronomical Society specialist discussion meeting on Friday, 22 May 2020.

The topic will be “MHD oscillations and waves from the photosphere to the corona”.

Discussions will take place around topics including but not limited to: ubiquitous intensity swirls in the lower solar atmosphere; transverse oscillations in magnetic loops – both in terms of solar magneto-seismology and dissipation mechanisms; Alfvén waves in the outer atmosphere; slow-mode MHD waves within coronal structures; and waves in light-walls. Talks and posters are both accepted. We also encourage speakers to highlight one or two interesting SUCs or specific observing sequences that would help to achieve your science with the upcoming 4-m class solar telescopes.

Abstract submissions will be open in January 2020.

More information at :
