Category: Conferences

Conferences, workshops, meetings, summer schools


The University of Calabria will host the second edition of the international workshop on ‘Particle acceleration and transport: from the Sun to extragalactic sources’ on 2025 February 3-7.

You are cordially invited to participate.

Scientific rationale:
The workshop aims at presenting recent research on the longstanding problems of particle acceleration and transport in different astrophysical environments, such as the Sun, the heliosphere, galactic sources, and extragalactic sources. The purpose is to bring together experts in the fields of cosmic ray physics, plasma turbulence, acceleration processes, and particle transport, in order to stimulate cross-fertilization and to exchange scientific information among different areas. Indeed, the basic theoretical framework adopted to describe particle acceleration and transport is common to all those fields but the properties of the environments change noticeably.
In addition, in-situ and remote observations often question the validity of the standard theories and prompt for further investigations to be interpreted. The availability of large datasets from new instrumentations and recent theoretical and numerical studies give the opportunity to advance the models and possibly to answer some of the basic unresolved issues. Exchange of ideas among the various fields would certainly speed up this process.

We strongly encourage to present to the different communities recent, pioneering observations, theories, and models that try to explain and describe processes of particle acceleration and transport.
We try to bring together scientists who would like to understand what is happening beyond their field of specialty.

In order to promote an efficient exchange of ideas among different fields, each research area (solar, heliospheric, galactic, and extragalactic physics) will be introduced by a 40 minutes broad review talk.
Invited talks will last 30 minutes. At the end of each day a time slot of about 45 minutes will be dedicated to open discussions on the daily sessions led by a couple of scientists. Contributed talks and poster presentations will be scheduled.

Main Topics:

  • Observations of energetic particles in the solar, heliospheric, galactic and extragalactic environments
  • Properties of cosmic ray transport and acceleration from in-situ and remote observations
  • Solar flares, Crab flares, flaring phenomena in astrophysics
  • Shock acceleration: problems and advances
  • Particle acceleration in  magnetic reconnection, including the relativistic regimes
  • Particle acceleration in black holes, accretion flows and relativistic jets
  • Transport and acceleration in non-linear regimes
  • Magnetic turbulence in astrophysical plasmas: properties from large to small scales and effects on particle transport
  • Theoretical models and numerical simulations of particle transport and acceleration

Silvia Perri (Chair, Università della Calabria, Rende, Italy)
Elena Amato (co-Chair,INAF, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy)
Gianfranco Brunetti (IRA-INAF, Bologna, Italy)
Andrei Bykov (Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Frederic Effenberger (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
Miho Janvier (European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC), The Netherlands)
Jasmina Magdalenic Zhukov (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Oreste Pezzi (ISTP-CNR, Italy)
Reinout J. van Weeren (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Nicole Vilmer (Observatoire Paris-Site de Meudon, France)
Gaetano Zimbardo (Università della Calabria, Rende, Italy)

Registration and abstract submission will be open soon.
Please check out the workshop web site at


We look forward to welcoming you in Calabria!… continue to the full article

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[final call for Abstracts] DynaSun Network workshop: Waves, Reconnection and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares (2nd – 6th September 2024, Northumbria University)

[ *** final call for Abstracts: Deadline for abstract submission is 5th August 2024 *** ]

DynaSun Network workshop: Waves, Reconnection and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares
Monday 2nd September – Friday 6th September 2024
Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK)

The solar atmosphere is a dynamic system with phenomena including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves, plasma oscillations and time-dependent heating. In Solar Physics, we are now living in the era of data intensive observations and so, with the right techniques and understanding, we can start to address fundamental questions around the physical scenarios of energy releases and plasma heating.

The European Commission has recognised this challenge (and scientific opportunity) and so has created the DynaSun Network: “Dynamics of the solar corona in the era of data intensive observations”. This international network will discuss key challenges in solar physics, including understanding of mechanisms for plasma heating, and energetics and physical scenarios of energy releases such as flares and coronal mass ejections. The first DynaSun Network workshop will be held on 2nd-6th September 2024 at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

This first workshop will focus on waves, oscillations, particle acceleration and reconnection associated with solar flares, and the workshop will consist of contributed and invited talks covering these topics. The workshop will also include tutorials on advanced techniques associated with data intensive observations. The presentations and tutorials will cover the latest research in these areas, including new and exciting observations from the STIX and EUI instruments on-board Solar Orbiter. We also welcome presentations around other relevant research topics. There will be a Welcome Reception, Conference Dinner and Excursion.

Abstract submission and Registration are open at

Deadline for abstract submission is 5th August 2024.… continue to the full article

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DynaSun Network workshop: Waves, Reconnection and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares

DynaSun Network workshop: Waves, Reconnection and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares
Monday 2nd September – Friday 6th September 2024
Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK)

Deadline for abstract submission is 5th August 2024.

The solar atmosphere is a dynamic system with phenomena including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves, plasma oscillations and time-dependent heating. In Solar Physics, we are now living in the era of data intensive observations and so, with the right techniques and understanding, we can start to address fundamental questions around the physical scenarios of energy releases and plasma heating.

The European Commission has recognised this challenge (and scientific opportunity) and so has created the DynaSun Network: “Dynamics of the solar corona in the era of data intensive observations”. This international network will discuss key challenges in solar physics, including understanding of mechanisms for plasma heating, and energetics and physical scenarios of energy releases such as flares and coronal mass ejections. The first DynaSun Network workshop will be held on 2nd-6th September 2024 at Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

This first workshop will focus on waves, oscillations, particle acceleration and reconnection associated with solar flares, and the workshop will consist of contributed and invited talks covering these topics. The workshop will also include tutorials on advanced techniques associated with data intensive observations. The presentations and tutorials will cover the latest research in these areas, including new and exciting observations from the STIX and EUI instruments on-board Solar Orbiter. We also welcome presentations around other relevant research topics. There will be a Welcome Reception, Conference Dinner and Excursion.

Abstract submission and Registration are open at

Deadline for abstract submission is 5th August 2024.… continue to the full article

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Call for abstracts AGU 2024- SH026 – Plasma dynamics of the lower solar atmosphere

We would like to draw your attention – and welcome abstract submissions – to the SH026 session: ‘Plasma dynamics of the lower solar atmosphere’ in the upcoming , American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting taking place from 9 – 13 December 2024 in Washington, D.C., USA.

Further details regarding abstract submission, registration, accommodation and relevant deadlines can be found on the meeting website:

The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, 31 July 2024.

Suzana Silva (The University of Sheffield)
Samuel Skirvin (The University of Sheffield)
Viktor Fedun (The University of Sheffield)

Session Description
The intricate dynamics of the lower solar atmosphere involves a complex interplay of plasma phenomena, such as magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave excitation and propagation, energy transport, and heating. These phenomena are intricately connected to magnetic fields, driven by photospheric plasma motion. Magnetic configurations are observed across various scales, from small-scale flux ropes to solar prominences. Advanced solar observation facilities such as The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope, COronal Solar Magnetism Observatory, Parker Solar Probe, and Solar Orbiter, will provide an unprecedented view of the dynamical processes in the lower solar atmosphere and beyond. This progress can enable significant advancements in our MHD modelling capabilities, particularly in elucidating the complex interaction between magnetic fields and flows in the Sun. We welcome contributions that address multi-scale MHD phenomena in the lower atmosphere from observational, analytical and numerical analysis, including but not limited to, MHD waves, jets, vortices, energy transport, and plasma heating.

With our Best Regards,
Suzana Silva, Samuel Skirvin and Viktor Fedun
Call for abstracts AGU 2024- SH026 – Plasma dynamics of the lower solar atmosphere

We would like to draw your attention – and welcome abstract submissions – to the SH026 session: ‘Plasma dynamics of the lower solar atmosphere’ in the upcoming , American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting taking place from 9 – 13 December 2024 in Washington, D.C., USA. to the full article

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Registration Opening and Programme Release for the UK Space Weather and Space Environment (UKSWSE) Meeting II in Exeter, UK, 09-12 September 2024

Dear Colleagues.

It is with great pleasure that we can announce the opening of registrations and the launch of the Programme for the upcoming “UK Space Weather and Space Environment (UKSWSE) Meeting II: Celebrating 10-years of 24/7 space-weather operational forecasting in the UK”, which will take place at Sandy Park in Exeter, UK, 09-12 September 2024 – please see: for full details.

There are discounted registration rates available for those that register early (by 28 July 2024), and the final registration deadline is 25 August 2024; Full, Concessionary, Virtual-only, and One-Day in-person options available – please see: for full details.

In addition, the Programme is now live and available for viewing which includes the oral and poster presentations – please see: for full details, but please note that additional minor adjustments to the schedule may be made. As a reminder, all presenters and attendees are required to register and pay ahead of the final registration deadline please.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Exeter in September!

Best wishes,

Mario M. Bisi and Oliver D. Allanson,
on behalf of the LOC and SOC for UKSWSE II.… continue to the full article

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Solar Orbiter Community Building Webinars

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce monthly Solar Orbiter community building webinars starting on 2 October 2024.

The aim of these webinars is to provide news and insights on Solar Orbiter science and science operations to the wider solar and space physics communities.
Meetings will be held 14:00-14:30 Central European Time (CET) every 1st Wednesday of the month (except the introductory session, which will last 1h).

Information on the first webinars can be found here:

Best regards,
The ESA Solar Orbiter team… continue to the full article

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IAU Symposium 400: Solar and Stellar Multi-Scale Activity

IAU Symposium 400: Solar and Stellar Multi-Scale Activity

July 22-26, 2025
Medellín, Colombia

The symposium will address critical knowledge gaps in solar and stellar physics, leveraging recent advancements and fostering collaboration between traditionally independent solar and stellar communities. The Scientific Organizing Committee comprises experts from renowned institutions worldwide, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive exploration of multi-scale solar and stellar activity. The symposium will strategically align with pivotal advancements in solar missions and ground-based instrumentation, offering a timely platform for knowledge exchange. The programme will cover diverse themes, including observatories, energy release processes, magnetic variability, machine learning, and helio/astero-seismology, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of solar and stellar phenomena.

The symposium will take place at the heart of Colombia’s coffee region, in Medellín, known as the city of “Eternal Spring”, thanks to its pleasant climate and picturesque landscapes. Medellín has become a major hub for academic studies and tourism, and has been awarded prestigious prizes for urban development and innovation in the last 20 years.

Book your calendars!

Eliana Amazo Gómez (AIP)
Patrick Antolin (Northumbria University)
Anne-Marie Broomhall (University of Warwick)
Juan Camilo Buitrago (UC Berkeley)
Cecilia Garraffo (Harvard-Smithsonian/CfA)
Moira Jardine (University of St Andrews)
Lucia Kleint (University of Bern)
Juan Carlos Martínez (UC Berkeley)
Sophie Musset (John Hopkins)
Kosuke Namekata (NAOJ)
Alexander I. Shapiro (MPS)
Santiago Vargas (Universidad Nacional)
Tom Van Doorsselaere (KU Leuven)

Benjamín Calvo Mozo (Chair, Universidad Nacional)
Adriana Araujo (Gimnasio Campestre)
Maria Gracia Batista (U Los Andes)
Germán Chaparro (U Antioquia)
Angela Perez (Planetario de Medellín)
Andrés Torres (ITM Institución Universitaria)… continue to the full article

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INVITE: Space Science and Exploration Roadmaps: Your opportunity to comment

The Space Partnership brings together industry, academia and government from across the UK space sector to work on shared priorities and identify collective action to deliver the ambition in the National Space Strategy (NSS). Capabilities is one such shared priority and the Space Partnership has been working closely with the Department of Science, Innovation & Technology’s Capabilities team to develop a set of ‘Capability Roadmaps’, which identify the collective action required to deliver the Capability Goals identified in the NSS in Action.

As part of this process, over the last 3 months, representatives from across the space science and exploration communities have developed a set of top-level, narrative Space Science & Exploration roadmaps. The draft Space Science and Exploration Roadmaps are now available for wider consultation here.

Between the 4 July and 15 September we would like to encourage the wider space science and exploration community to review the roadmaps and provide feedback. We hope that you can recognise where your community is reflected in the roadmaps.

We would welcome your comments, especially if:

  •   Anything on the roadmaps is incorrect
  •   You have specific wording changes that would help clarify the roadmaps [Note the format is fixed and limited to 2 slides]
  •   You would like to highlight the most important 3 elements across the roadmaps (including an explanation as to why)

Please either complete the Consultation Form or email to provide feedback.

For more information on the road mapping process  and to see here for  existing roadmaps, or join one of the next webinars (each 1 hour), which will explain the process to date, share the draft roadmaps and discuss how you can provide feedback.

15-Aug 15:00 -16:00
Click here to join the meeting

05-Sep 15:00 -16:00
Click here to join the meeting

Kind regards,
Space Partnership Teamcontinue to the full article

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Early registration and abstract submission is now JULY 12th – 17th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-17)

Dear colleagues,

this is the fourth announcement for the 17th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-17) that will take place in Turin (Italy) in the period 9-13 September 2024.

The meeting will start on the morning of September 9th and will finish around noon on September 13th. The deadlines for the early registration and abstract submission are now POSTPONED TO JULY 12th. Starting from July 13th the abstract submission will be closed and the standard rates for the registration fee will be applied.

VERY IMPORTANT: the registration on INDICO is not automatic (only the e-mail registration step is automatic), and requires a few days to be approved by the INDICO administrators. Please do not wait the very last day before the deadline to start the INDICO registration process.

Additional details related to the meeting program, the accommodations, other services and relevant deadlines are and will be available on the meeting website:

We look forward to welcoming you in Turin,

the ESPM-17 LOC.continue to the full article

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Solar MHD II: “Informing MHD simulations from observations”

Conference dates: Monday 2nd – Thursday 5th September 2024
Venue: Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain
Registration and abstract submission open
Abstract submission deadline: 15 July 2024

We are looking forward to an exceptional line-up of hands-on and speaker sessions at Solar MHD 2024 (see below). This year’s event promises to be our most dynamic and groundbreaking yet, and we are excited to invite you to be a part of this meeting.

Hands on workshop sessions:
“Spectral synthesis and simulated data”, Dr. Adur Yabar Pastor, Stockholm University, Sweden
“Machine learning in observations”, Dr. Andreas Asensio-Ramos, IAC, Spain
“Feature identification, tracking and classification algorithms”, host TBC

Invited speakers:
“The next generation of solar and stellar MHD simulations”, Dr Damien Przybylski, Max Planck, Germany
“Spectral synthesis and simulated data”, Dr. Christopher Osborne, Glasgow University, UK
“Enhanced MHD/hybrid models”, Dr. Fabio Bacchini, KU Leuven, Belgium
“Two-fluid and partially ionised plasma models”, Dr. Ben Snow, Exeter, UK
“Using observations to establish constraints for MHD simulations”, Dr José Juan González Avilés, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Financial support: Full financial support is available for 3 students from the European Space Agency member states through the ESA sponsorship scheme. Additional support for Early Career Researchers may also be considered. Please, check the conference webpage for details.

Registration fee: £250 (EUR 290)

The conference fee covers:

  • the full 3.5 days of attendance including 3 hands-on workshop sessions, 6 speaker sessions;
  • Lunches;
  • Coffee breaks;
  • Conference dinner;
  • Excursion to the Teide observatory; 
  • A conference icebreaker event.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Suzana de Souza e Almeida Silva (
Malcolm Druett (
Elena Khomenko (
Rahul Sharma (

We are committed to creating an inclusive culture where we take pride in, and value, the diversity of our meeting participants. We encourage and welcome participation from all members of the community. We particularly welcome participation from historically under-represented groups.… continue to the full article

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