50th Anniversary of the 7th March 1970 Solar Eclipse: Science outreach Project

The light pollution null conditions and the dark skies in the South of Mexico, has provided with a strong interest in the Cosmos since ancient times. Evidence of this is the archaeological temples built by the Pre-Columbian Zapotec civilization at Miahuatlan, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Fifty years ago, at Miahuatlan’s lands, there was an attempt by the Sun of leaving the region clouded. Therefore, the most prominent Solar Physics groups from all over the world brought instruments and telescopes for performing Sun’s Corona measurements and test the General Relativity theory (in similarity with the Solar eclipse of May 29, 1919)

The presence from overseas astronomers as well as the Minute of Fame generated produced a shock and pregnancy myths in the locals. This due to the poverty that stills pervades this zone of Mexico. Notwithstanding, the occurrence of this natural phenomena, has survived the passage of time. Elderly people speak about that moment knowledgeably.

Stealthily, this natural phenomenon has been adapted as a cultural and social element of the Miahuatlan natives. In consequence, a set of local government and educational institutions has prepared an outreach science program (conferences from mexican astronomers & astronomical observations) to be implemented on 5th,6th and 7th March, 2020.

The principles behind: Emphasize the historical memory from our ancestors and promote a scientific culture at all the educational levels and social groups. The aim is to use the Astronomy as an educational and engaging resource. The one that let us renovate the intentions of the Sun from fifty years ago. The 50th Anniversary of the 1970 Solar Eclipse’s Organizing Committee’s dream: That the 1970’s Astronomers come back. The top dream, engage them and make them born them here. Pay off the Millennial debt for contemplating the Sky nearer and stay connected with, again, again.

Webpage: https://www.facebook.com/L.Aniv70/
Place: Miahuatlán de PorfirIo Díaz, Oaxaca, México
Date: 5th, 6th, 7th March
E-mail: L-aniversarioeclipsesolar1970@outlook.com
