Institute of Space Science and Applied Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HIT Shenzhen), China is hiring two postdoctoral researchers for a duration of two years.
The postdocs will address the fundamental physical processes responsible for impulsive energy releases in the solar and stellar atmospheres, such as flares and coronal mass ejections (CME). The main emphasis will be put on the quasi-periodic pulsations in flares, the role of oscillatory processes in CMEs, and the exploitation of the solar-stellar analogy.
The project is jointly led by Professor Ding Yuan (HIT Shenzhen) and Professor Valery Nakariakov (University of Warwick, UK). The project is dedicated to analysis of data obtained with modern EUV, X-ray, white light, and radio observational facilities, analytical studies, and high-performance numerical simulations, including forward modelling of plasma emissions.
The postdocs will be based at the dynamic and cosmopolitan Shenzhen campus of Harbin Institute of Technology, located in one of the most modern and advanced cities in China. The annual salary is around 240k RMB.
The candidates shall possess a PhD in solar physics, astrophysics, plasma physics, machine learning or related field. Experience in numerical simulation of plasma processes is a strong plus. Applicants shall send an e-mail with a CV, publication list and references (at least two) to The position will remain open until filled, with priority for applications received before end of August. Feel free to reach out with any informal inquiries to