Commissariat à l’énergie atomique (CEA) Department of Astrophysics/AIM and Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) (near Paris, France) – Post-doctoral Researcher Position in Solar Physics

This is a reminder that the solar and stellar physics groups at CEA Astrophysics Department (DAp, UMR AIM) and CNRS/Université Paris-Sud (UMR IAS: Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale ) invite applications for a joint postdoctoral position, to begin in Fall 2018 (application deadline: October 1st, 2018).

This position is funded by the SPACEOBS project of University Paris-Saclay, of which CEA and University Paris-Sud are founding members. It consists in developing the connection between magnetic field modelling in the Sun’s interior and atmosphere, magnetic field observations at the photosphere, and the ultraviolet emission of the corona, through forward-modelling and comparison to observations. The candidate must possess a PhD in solar physics, plasma physics or astrophysics and demonstrate his/her ability to perform top quality research in these fields.

The funding is for up to 18 months. The net salary will depends on experience, and includes social security benefits and good health insurance. Travel funds will also be made available.

DAp and IAS are located just 5km apart, 20km south of Paris, in an area including several universities and large research centers. With 200 (DAp) and 150 (IAS) faculty and staff members, they offer a lively and very active research environment of the highest international standards. In particular, they play a key role in the STIX, EUI, SPICE, and PHI instruments of Solar Orbiter, and IAS hosts the MEDOC operations and data center, with data sets (SOHO, STEREO, SDO…) relevant to the project. The successful candidate will also have access to state of the art high performance computing infrastructure at both the Institute and National levels.

Applicants should submit by e-mail (PDF format) their resume and bibliography, and arrange for at least 2 letters of reference to be sent by 1st October, 2018 to:
Dr Allan Sacha Brun, CEA Paris-Saclay,, +33 1 69 08 76 60
Dr Éric Buchlin, IAS, CNRS/Univ. Paris-Sud,, +33 1 69 85 87 65

Department of Astrophysics (CEA):
Laboratory Dynamics of Stars, Exo-planets and their Environment (LDEE, CEA):
Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS, CNRS/Univ. Paris-Sud):