No. 466, “Unexpected Asymmetry in GeV Emission,” by Bruno ARSIOLI and Elena ORLANDO. The high-energy solar gamma radiation shows inexplicable but fascinating properties.
No. 467, “Sun-as-a-star Analysis of the M8.7 Flare 0n 2022 October 2 Using H-alpha and EUV Spectra Taken by SMART/SDDI and SDOEVE,” by Takato OTSU. Whole-Sun spectroscopic observations can readily detect ejecta.
No. 468, “Is there HOPE for Hyder flares?” by Hugh HUDSON. Filament eruptions/Hyder flares/disparitions brusques may all show Hot Onset Precursor Events.
We welcome almost any contribution to the RHESSI Nuggets. The topic may wander some distance away from specifically RHESSI results if it is generally interesting. See for these and others. Comments about specific flares can often be found by searching for their SOLyyyy-mm-dd identifier from this home page.