Category: Conferences

Conferences, workshops, meetings, summer schools

ESAC Data Analysis and Statistics Workshop 2018

Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to announce the fifth annual ESAC Data Analysis and Statistics (EDAS) workshop that will be held at the European Space Astronomy Centre near Madrid in Spain from Monday to Thursday on October 8 to 11, 2018.

The primary aim of the EDAS workshop is knowledge transfer: to teach and instruct through lectures and guided hands-on exercises essential notions in data analysis and statistics, as well as modern techniques and methods to improve the way we treat data and do science.

This year the two main areas of focus will be the analysis of 1) errors and uncertainties in particle and event data and 2) wavelet and Fourier analysis of time series. Given the exciting upcoming launch of Solar Orbiter, the practical aspects and examples will be drawn from problems in Helio and Solar System physics. Details can be found here:

The number of participants cannot exceed 60, and therefore we may have to carry out a selection process. For this reason you should consider your registration as an application to attend the workshop. If you are very interested, please register as early as possible. Each registration will be reviewed, and each applicant will be informed as soon as we have finalised the selection.

We strive to have the most fruitful and useful workshops, and therefore encourage the greatest balance in diversity. In particular, we strongly encourage mid-career and women scientists such that we can strive to have as many men as women, and as many young as more seasoned scientists.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Madrid for the fifth EDAS workshop this autumn.

The EDAS 2018 science organizing committee to the full article

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