Calling all software developers and scientists who are interested in algorithms, software and data systems related to heliophysics (solar physics, space physics, geospace and related sciences)! Come see what your colleagues are working on!
Mark your calendars! 14-18 October 2024, at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) of ESA, near Madrid, Spain and hybrid: DASH (Data Analysis and Software in Heliophysics) and IHDEA (International Heliophysics Data environment Alliance) annual meetings
More information at where we invite you to submit session topics for DASH by March 18 at!
The European Space Agency (ESA) is pleased to host the venue of the upcoming DASH (Data Analysis and Software in Heliophysics) and IHDEA (International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance) annual meetings in its premises at ESAC.
Oct. 14-16: DASH serves as a forum for software developers and scientists to present and discuss algorithms, software, and data systems used in the acquisition, reduction, analysis, and dissemination of data for Heliophysics, including space and ground-based measurements as well as models. After the successful inaugural meeting at John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory mid-October 2023, this meeting will further connect practitioners across institutions, agencies and countries to identify common challenges and opportunities in open source software structure and design, including modern data infrastructure, methods and pipelines. International participation is the key to our community’s success, and all ranges of experience are welcome.
Oct. 17-18: The IHDEA meeting will complement this conversation by focusing on the challenges and opportunities in aligning data and data products with community standards, the FAIR principles and general Open Science practices, and the software necessary for accomplishing those goals. The goal of the International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance (IHDEA) is to encourage the use of common standards and services by major data providers, including simulation services and science platforms, in order to enable sharing of data and to enhance science. IHDEA also aims at bridging the gap between different communities such as GNSS and Earth observations communities in the context of a global Heliophysics information architecture.
Looking forward to seeing you!!
DASH Science Organising Committee