Result of the “Future of UK Solar Physics Meetings” questionnaire

Dear Colleagues,

We thank the community for their responses to the “Future of UK Solar Physics Meetings” questionnaire. We received 59 responses, and here is a summary (the anonymous results of the survey with individual comments removed are also here):

The majority of the community wants to see UKSP/solar sessions at NAM every year, irrespective of whether an individual attends every year or not. Comments: it is important for solar physics to be part of NAM and to have links not just with MIST but with astronomy topics as well.
The main reasons for not attending NAM are: overworked, cost and too many other meetings.
A large majority (81%) would like to see UKSP organise a dedicated, stand-alone solar meeting every couple of years. April to June, or “summer,” are the best times for this.
Thus, the community wants yearly attendance at NAM and our own meeting every couple of years.
There is no strong opinion about attending a second “outside of NAM” business meeting.
In general, the community would like to see more UKSP-MIST collaboration. The council is in contact with MIST about this. There are some concerns about the dominance of “space weather” type topics over other solar physics topics, which we will also consider.
The majority want us to create or renew an online seminar series and/or training sessions. Comments: short PhD student talks might be good, or each UK group gets a monthly(?) talk slot similar to ESPOS.
Overall, groups are willing to share their seminars, so please expect an email in the next few months asking about this.

The council will work towards a solution based on the results above and share an update with the community once it is ready.

Kind regards,
UKSP Council