SB PPAN Roadmap – Questions to Advisory Panels

Dear Colleagues

STFC’s Particle Astrophysics Advisory Panel (PAAP) is seeking input from the UK community of astroparticle physicists to inform Science Board for its long-term prioritised PPAN (Particle Physics, Astronomy and Nuclear Physics) Roadmap.

Please provide your opinion on the key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your science area currently, and looking across the next 10 years. Specific issues to address are key skills gaps that need addressing, and future skills needs. 

You are also invited to refer to the 2022 PAAP roadmap and to pay special attention to topics or issues not covered there. 

Link to the survey:

Please complete this survey by 14 June 2024 5:00pm UK time. 

Please send any questions to Sergey Burdin (for PAAP)