We need your help to update the UKSP-website

We need your help to update the UKSP website

The UKSP council would like to update the UKSP website. Therefore, we would like to ask the community to help with the following:

1) Public Outreach page (https://www.uksolphys.org/outreach/)
This page would be the collection of public outreach activities in the UK related to solar physics. We would like to list outreach activities which are meant to engage a large audience and to bring knowledge and expertise on the Sun to the general public. These outreach activities can take several forms, such as school presentations, workshops, public talks, lab visits, etc…
If you would like to add information about your outreach activity, please contact the Deputy Chairperson directly.

2) Seminar Speaker page (https://www.uksolphys.org/resources/seminar-speaker-list/)
This page is dedicated to listing early career lecturers, postdoctoral researchers, and PhD students who would like to give seminars at institutes around the UK.
We would particularly like to encourage PhD students and early career researchers to consider this opportunity.
Please contact the Deputy Chair if you would like your name added (with a short description of your research).

3) Mentors page (https://www.uksolphys.org/mentors/)
The UKSP community has decided to put in place a mentoring scheme. The mentors cover a range of career stages and are available to provide advice on a range of issues, e.g. jobs (applying for post-docs, promotions), applying for grants, publishing, outreach, writing up the PhD etc.
We would like to invite more people to participate in our mentoring scheme.
If you are interested in this role, please contact the Deputy Chair directly.
We note this is not an attempt to replace University mentoring schemes but should be used as an additional resource.

4) Institutions page (https://www.uksolphys.org/about-uksp/institutions/)
The page includes links to the UK institutions and their associated research groups currently undertaking and contributing to solar physics research.
We would like to add those groups which are not listed on the website yet.