We are pleased to announce the 1st European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) summer school organised in the period 29 April – 3 May 2024 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The theme of the school is revolving around “Energisation and heating in the solar plasma”, outlining the mechanisms which may operate to heat the solar corona, produce and accelerate the solar wind, and drive the energetic transient events observed in the solar atmosphere, such as flares and coronal mass ejections.
The School will consist of a series of lectures delivered by eminent experts in their fields, as well as a number of hands-on sessions concentrating on modern tools for data and image processing such as JHelioviewer, SunPy and Machine Learning for solar data analysis.
The School is aimed at mid-advanced level PhD students and young researchers. Given the particularity of the venue, the number of attending students will be limited to 40-45 students and we will operate a first come-first served policy.
The applications will open January 1st 2024 and the submission deadline is February 15th, 2024.
For details visit the school webpage: https://oh.geof.unizg.hr/index.php/en/espd-2024