Category: Summer Schools

São Paulo School on Advanced Science on Solar Activity and Space Weather and PRESTO/SCOSTEP Workshop

We are glad to announce the São Paulo School of Advanced Science in Solar Activity and Space Weather, which will take place at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (São Paulo, Brazil) from November 11th to 22nd, 2024. This is a joint event with the PRESTO Workshop, also hosted at Mackenzie, providing a unique opportunity for participants to engage with leading experts in solar physics and space weather.

This joint advanced school and workshop aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of solar activity and its effects on space weather, offering hands-on sessions and lectures by renowned experts. Participants will have the chance to deepen their knowledge in key areas of solar physics, data analysis, and space weather forecasting.

There is NO registration fee.

Invited Speakers:
Bin Chen (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
Cristina Mandrini (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Joaquim Costa (INPE, Brazil)
Nat Gopalswamy (NASA/Goddard, USA)
Paulo Fagundes (UNIVAP, Brazil)
Ramon Lopez (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
Walter Gonzalez (INPE, Brazil)

Grant Availability: We are pleased to offer grants to cover travel expenses, as well as daily allowances for accommodation and meals. This support is available for eligible participants.

Poster Presentations: Participants are also invited to present their own research in the form of contributed talk or posters. This is a good opportunity to showcase your work, receive feedback, and engage in discussions with experts and peers in the field.

Important dates:
Abstract submission: 1st September to 15th October
Registration: 1st September to 31st October (free)
Grant application: 1st September to 30th of September

Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your research and network with peers and professionals in the field.

For more details and registration, please visit:

Contact: spaceweather2024@gmail.comcontinue to the full article

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Registration is now open – STFC Introductory Summer School in Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Sheffield, UK, 1 – 6 September 2024

Deadline for Registration: 5pm GMT, 19 July 2024. 

The 2024 STFC Introductory Summer School in Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (I4STP) is organised by SP2RC (Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre) and will be hosted by the University of Sheffield (Sheffield, UK). 

The content of the I4STP programme, designed by the UK Solar Physics and MIST Councils, consist of a set of introductory lectures providing a broad overview of the solar system and solar plasmas. The Summer School is an ideal introductory training opportunity, targeted at PhD students, who are new to the field, aiming to upgrade, consolidate and broaden their knowledge. More advanced PhD students or early-career postdocs may also be welcome (subject to availability). 

The I4STP shall be free of charge to STFC-sponsored and self-supporting new UK PhD students on a first-come first-served basis. Consideration will be given by the STFC, in conjunction with the Course Directors, to offering any remaining places to students in receipt of other sponsorship. For fee-paying students, the amount of the fee charged shall be £400.00.

Registration is now open, see the website for further information.

Contact: Robertus Erdelyi (
Noemi Zsamberger, Marianna Korsos, Robertus Erdelyi (I4STP Directors)
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STFC Introductory Summer School in Solar & Solar-Terrestrial Physics – Pencil in the date in your calendar

The next STFC Introductory Summer School in Solar & Solar-Terrestrial Physics will take place 1-6 September 2024, University of Sheffield.

While we still finalise the programme, we invite PhD students who have either commenced their PhD after the last intro summer school in 2023 or will be joining our solar and solar-terrestrial community for their PhD studies in the Autumn 2024, as well as any other interested parties (e.g. junior postdocs). Please, pencil in the dates in your calendar if you wish to participate.

The School is free of charge for STFC-sponsored and self-funded students, subject to terms and conditions to be published (e.g. thereis a limited room capacity, etc). Consideration will be given by the STFC, in conjunction with the Course Directors, to offering any remaining places to students in receipt of other sponsorship.

Please, circulate this preliminary announcement to your new PGR students, colleagues or collaborators. Thank you.

The Course Directors:
Marianna Korsos, Noemi Zsamberger, Robertus Erdelyi to the full article

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PLASMAScience summer school – Porquerolles, France; 23-29 June 2024

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to welcome applications to the first edition of the EUR (Ecole Universitaire de Recherches) PLASMAScience summer school dedicated to astrophysical plasmas that will be held in Porquerolles, France, on June 23-29, 2024.

The School is a one-week, charge-free, training program for highly-motivated PhD students, post-docs and early career scientists interested in space and astrophysical plasmas.

The school will bring together world leading scientists to lecture on a broad spectrum of topics and methodologies (theory, numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, observations and modern techniques of data analysis, e.g. AI/ML).

The topics include heliospheric plasmas (Sun, solar wind, planetary magnetosphere), the interstellar medium (ISM), Cosmic rays, disks around compact objects/black holes, Inter-Cluster medium (ICM), etc.

More information and registration can be found here:

Deadline for application: April, 30th, 2024 (the number of participants is limited).

Julia Stawarz (on behalf of the SOC)… continue to the full article

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1st European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) summer school: Energisation and heating in the solar plasma

We are pleased to announce the 1st European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) summer school organised in the period 29 April – 3 May 2024 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The theme of the school is revolving around “Energisation and heating in the solar plasma”, outlining the mechanisms which may operate to heat the solar corona, produce and accelerate the solar wind, and drive the energetic transient events observed in the solar atmosphere, such as flares and coronal mass ejections.

The School will consist of a series of lectures delivered by eminent experts in their fields, as well as a number of hands-on sessions concentrating on modern tools for data and image processing such as JHelioviewer, SunPy and Machine Learning for solar data analysis.

The School is aimed at mid-advanced level PhD students and young researchers. Given the particularity of the venue, the number of attending students will be limited to 40-45 students and we will operate a first come-first served policy.

The applications will open January 1st 2024 and the submission deadline is February 15th, 2024.

For details visit the school webpage: to the full article

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Reminder: Registration for STFC Introductory Course in Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

This is a reminder to encourage your new PhD students in our field (especially those funded by STFC) to register for the “STFC Introductory Course in Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2023”, which will be hosted by the Solar and Magnetospheric Theory Group, University of St Andrews, from 21 – 25 August.

We need to confirm participation numbers, at leat approximately, with our University Conference Service Team by Monday 3 July 2023. While registration will remain open, we are not able to guarantee University accommodation too far beyond that date.

For information and to register, PhD students should visit the Course’s webpage

For enquiries please email

Thomas Neukirch and Tom Elsden… continue to the full article

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Reminder of deadlines for NAM2023

Dear Colleagues,

Just a reminder that the deadlines for registration for NAM2023 are fast approaching. June 5th is the deadline for those who are giving a talk or poster and June 16th is the deadline for general registration. To register, go to the conference website This year we have six parallel sessions, three two-day conferences within NAM on the theme of origins, a large outreach program (public talks, art competition, outreach evening), as well as many social events. You can view the full session program here:
You can view the full session program here:

Abstracts should be submitted on-line here: to the full article

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STFC Introductory Course in Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2023 – Registration Open

The STFC Introductory Course in Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2023 will be hosted by the Solar and Magnetopsheric Theory Group, University of St Andrews, from 21 to 25 August 2023.

Registration for the Course is now open, please visit to complete the online registration form.

For enquiries, please email… continue to the full article

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Summer School on Collisionless Shocks in Space, August 21-25, 2023, Levi, Lapland, Finland

Summer School on Collisionless Shocks in Space
August 21-25, 2023, Lapland Hotel, Sirkantahti, Levi, Lapland, Finland

We are pleased to announce the Summer School for undergraduate and graduate students on Collisionless Shocks in Space, which will be held in LAPLAND HOTEL SIRKANTÄHTI, LEVI, LAPLAND, FINLAND, on August 21-25, 2023.

The plan is to have lectures and hands-on activities with various data on Collisionless Shocks.

Travel support for students will be provided via the EU funded project SHARP (SHocks: structure, AcceleRation, dissiPation,

For planning financial support, prospective participants are asked to express their interest as soon as possible by sending an email to and… continue to the full article

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***Final Reminder***-SOLARNET Summer School ‘Solar atmospheric dynamics – From waves to instabilities and jets’

Dear Colleagues,

The registration is now open until March 17, 2023 for the SOLARNET Summer School ‘Solar atmospheric dynamics – From waves to instabilities and jets’ to be held between June 25 –30, 2023 at GSO (Gyula Bay Zoltan Solar Observatory) Gyula, Hungary.

The aim of this School is to update early-stage researchers (e.g. PhD students and PDRAs) on the latest advances made in observations, theory and numerical modelling of solar atmospheric dynamics. With the availability yielded by new instrument suits both in space and on the ground, solar theory is now more challenging to explore solar magnetism from the photosphere to the low corona at yet unforeseen small spatial, temporal and spectral scales.

During the School, on-site practice of taking daily solar synoptic data and their analysis will also be carried out at the Gyula Bay Zoltan Solar Observatory (GSO, with their Solar Activity Magnetic Monitor (SAMM) magneto-optical filter (MOF, facility in order to offer the students a direct and real experience of working with solar data.

Accommodation for selected participants will be fully covered by the School. Information on the registration process, travel, venue and accommodation is available at:

SOLARNET, including the current School, has received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824135.

Contact: Robertus Erdelyi (University of Sheffield), email: to the full article

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