SHINE Session #18 – Data Analysis Tools and Methods for Observations of the Solar Corona

In preparation of Parker Solar Probe (PSP), Solar Orbiter (SO) and the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST), it is important to discuss the plethora of analysis tools and processing techniques currently available. The current applicability of these techniques to EUV and coronagraph data (e.g. SDO/AIA, SOHO/LASCO) will prove to be invaluable in interpreting measurements from PSP, SO and DKIST. It is therefore essential to understand these techniques and set the stage for the development of new ones.

The main purpose of this session is to foster discussions between researchers focused on developing solar data analysis and processing tools (including machine learning methods) and the solar wind/heliosphere community.

Please see a full description of our session at

We encourage speakers and participants to discuss the different types of information that can be gained from applying various techniques to solar data.

Organizers: Nathalia Alzate (NASA GSFC), Dan Seaton (NOAA) and Huw Morgan (Aberystwyth University)

Invited Scene-Setting Speakers: Craig DeForest (SwRI) and Barbara Thompson (NASA GSFC)

Late registration begins: June 2, 2019
Abstract deadline: June 15, 2019