Fall AGU – SH020: Sun-to-Earth Evolution and Characteristics of Geo-Effective Solar Eruptions

We are pleased to invite abstract submissions for the following Solar and Heliospheric Physics session at this year’s AGU meeting in San Francisco (12-16 December): “Sun-to-Earth Evolution and Characteristics of Geo-Effective Solar Eruptions”

This session will investigate the conditions under which the most geo-effective coronal mass ejections (CMEs) form and propagate in the corona and interplanetary space. Abstracts are invited that discuss topics such as the identification and characterization of the solar source region of the eruption, preconditioning of the corona and heliosphere for CME propagation, interactions of CMEs with the ambient solar wind structures and other CMEs, transformation of the CME flux rope, and geo-effective plasma and magnetic field characteristics at the Earth. Contributions that discuss multi-point observations and modeling that address these questions are especially welcome.

Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday, 3 August 23:59 EDT (Early Submission Deadline: 27 July, 11:59 P.M. EDT Submit early for your chance to be a Fall Meeting VIP)
Abstract submission link at: http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2016/abstract-submissions/

The session conveners: Ying D. Liu (NSSC National Space Science Center), Emilia Kilpua (University of Helsinki), Noé Lugaz (University of New Hampshire), Miho Janvier (Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale)