International Webinar “Effects of Coronal Heating/Cooling on MHD Waves” (27th September 2023)

Dear colleagues,

I am glad to announce that we continue our series of coronal heating/cooling & MHD waves webinars this Autumn 2023 term. The updated schedule can be found here, as usual:

The next webinar will be given by Dr Martin Laming (Space Science Division Naval Research Laboratory) on “FIP effect and MHD waves”, on 27th September, 14:00 London time (GMT +1). The Zoom link is below, please make sure to add it to your calendars.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 1858 7541
Passcode: 391679

I look forward to seeing and discussing with you all again soon. Any questions/suggestions – please do let me know without hesitation (

Best regards,
Dmitrii Kolotkov