SH032 – Solar Orbiter: Sun – Inner Heliosphere Connections, AGU24 Session

We would like to invite abstract submissions to our session SH032 “Solar Orbiter: Sun – Inner Heliosphere Connections” at the upcoming AGU meeting that will be held between 9 -13 December in Washington D.C., USA.

The Solar Orbiter mission, an international cooperation between ESA and NASA, is currently orbiting the Sun at heliocentric distances ranging from 0.95 to 0.29 au. Throughout the rising phase of solar cycle 25, several coordinated observation campaigns, combining onboard remote-sensing and in-situ instruments as well as ground-based and other spacecraft observations, have improved our understanding of the inner heliosphere and its connection with the Sun. Early in 2025, Solar Orbiter will provide, for the first time, remote sensing observations of solar latitudes not visible from Earth. This session invites contributions that enhance the Solar Orbiter objectives, including observations from Solar Orbiter’s unique vantage points, plans for the next out-of-the-ecliptic phase of the mission, as well as numerical simulations and theory developments that will increase our understanding of the connections between the Sun and the heliosphere.

The session details can be found here:

Details on how to submit an abstract are here:

Deadline for abstracts is Wednesday 31 July 2024 23:59 EDT/ 03:59 +1 GMT

Best regards,
Stephanie Yardley (Northumbria University), David Lario (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Phillip Hess (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), Daniel Verscharen (University College London)