Dmitrii Kolotkov (Candidate for PDRA Position)

I have been an active researcher in solar physics in the UK since 2013 and I am currently an STFC-funded PDRA at the University of Warwick. One of my main research interests is theoretical modelling and observational detection of MHD waves and oscillations in solar and stellar coronae, which I use to develop and apply novel methods for seismological plasma diagnostics (advanced MHD coronal seismology). The areas of my research expertise also include physics of solar and stellar flares and solar-stellar connections. I also publish science-popular articles, give public lectures, tutorials, and experiment demonstrations.

I believe the UKSP Council has always played an important role in our community, highlighting the excellent solar physics research being performed across the UK and worldwide, fostering strong multi-disciplinary and international research links with wider astrophysics, MIST and plasma physics communities, facilitating the crosstalk between our community and funding bodies, and influencing policy makers. I believe that my enthusiasm, well-established collaborative ties in the UK, Europe, and overseas, the broad spectrum of interests and a steady flow of research outcomes, persistently growing international reputation and leadership, and a clear vision of the modern solar physics development in the UK and worldwide would place me well to address the above-mentioned goals of UKSP.

I also believe that proper dissemination of the research results in the form of publications, conferences, and workshops, is essential for promoting, healthy development, and adequate placing of our research field in the global roadmap of STEM subjects. I am currently successfully leading two teams of guest editors in the Solar Physics and Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences journals; established and successfully leading an international research team on coronal heating/cooling & MHD waves (about 30 participants from the UK and international research institutions from 8 countries, including senior and early-career researchers, PhD and UG students); organising a scientific session at the upcoming National Astronomy Meeting. Also, I have initiated, organised and chaired the SOC of the recent major conference on MHD coronal seismology, attended by about 100 researchers from 5 continents and 17 time zones (the biggest event in the field ever held). Through the UKSP council I believe we can work together as a community to share and capitalise on this experience in future.

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