Postdoc Positions at Queen Mary University of London

We are advertising several postdoc positions at Queen Mary University of London to work in the Space & Astrophysical Plasmas group. The available postdoc positions cover spacecraft observations, numerical simulations, plasma theory, and laboratory experiments in areas of heliospheric physics, magnetospheric physics, fundamental plasma processes, and space weather. Further detail on the positions, along with application information is given below.

Comparing particle acceleration at bow shocks of Venus and Earth, and interplanetary shocks
Application deadline: 9th July 2023
Contact: Dr Heli Hietala (
Application link and more information:
Description: One position is available to work with the project “Accelerating Charged Particles in Space – the Role of Transient Plasma Structures” funded by the Royal Society University Research Fellowship led by Dr Heli Hietala. The postdoc project involves primarily spacecraft data analysis, as well as related theory and/or simulation/models, to systematically compare various aspects of shock particle acceleration in different regions of space, with the goal using this fundamental understanding to improve space weather prediction. The key data comes from Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe, as well as databases of Magnetospheric MultiScale and Venus Express. The project involves a high level of collaboration, both internationally and locally within the QMUL.

Role of plasma turbulence in heliophysics, space weather, and lab experiments
Application deadline: 9th July 2023
Contact: Dr Christopher Chen (
Application link and more information:
Description: Up to two positions are available to work in Dr Christopher Chen’s UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (FLF) team on the research programme “Exploring New Regions of Space: Fundamentals and Impacts of Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence”. The research involves spacecraft data analysis, lab plasma experiments, theory & simulation, and space weather research, so applicants with expertise in any of these areas (and interest in getting involved in the others) are encouraged, although we are particularly interested in applicants with space weather or lab plasma expertise. The research aims are to understand turbulence as a fundamental process in space/lab/astrophysics, the role it plays in controlling the dynamics of these systems, and modeling its effects in space weather. This is a highly collaborative team effort, involving interlinking (and flexible) sub-projects, and multiple leading international project partners in different disciplines. The FLF programme also offers extensive dedicated career support for all team members.

Turbulence as a Controlling Agent in the Inner Heliosphere
Application deadline: 9th July 2023
Contact: Prof David Burgess (
Application link and more information:
Description: A postdoctoral researcher position is available to work on a project exploring the controlling role that turbulence plays in the inner heliosphere primarily using plasma simulations. The post is funded by STFC as part of a Consolidated Grant. The project will use plasma simulations to study how turbulence can control the key plasma processes of particle energization, shock dynamics, and turbulence-driven reconnection. The simulations will be motivated and tested against results from Parker Solar Probe (PSP), Solar Orbiter and Magnetospheric Multiscale MMS. The project will build on collaborations within the Space Plasma group and there will be opportunities for collaborations across the data/simulation boundary.