Peter Wyper (Candidate for Staff Position)

I’m standing to become a member of the UKSP Council as I see it as a crucial binding influence in our research community which is something I wish to be part of and support. For example, the information provided by the council on the status of the latest missions, grants and the grant system overall, conferences and the latest research results, are an invaluable resource and demonstrates the vibrancy of the solar community in the UK.

What I’d bring to this role is a background in fundamental solar theory that is deeply rooted in solar observations. Specifically, in my work I use MHD simulations to explore the fundamentals of phenomena such as coronal mass ejections, flares, jets and the dynamic structures within the solar wind. This work closely links with observations from the latest missions with strong UK involvement such as Solar Orbiter and DKIST. It is my belief that a key strength of the UK solar physics community is our expertise in the underlying science behind observations and this is something we should continue to promote internationally. As a council member I’d champion continued investment in HPC resources alongside ongoing support for our current and future mission involvement. Having also held an RAS fellowship I’m well aware how beneficial such fellowships are for early career researchers and looking to improve engagement with fellowships from current PhD students and PDRAs is something I’m also keen to promote.

Employment: Assistant Professor at Durham University (2019-2022), RAS research fellow at Durham University (2016-2019), NASA postdoc program at GSFC (2014-2016), PDRA at Dundee (2013-2014), PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Sheffield (2006-2009).

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