PLASMAScience summer school – Porquerolles, France; 23-29 June 2024

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to welcome applications to the first edition of the EUR (Ecole Universitaire de Recherches) PLASMAScience summer school dedicated to astrophysical plasmas that will be held in Porquerolles, France, on June 23-29, 2024.

The School is a one-week, charge-free, training program for highly-motivated PhD students, post-docs and early career scientists interested in space and astrophysical plasmas.

The school will bring together world leading scientists to lecture on a broad spectrum of topics and methodologies (theory, numerical simulations, laboratory experiments, observations and modern techniques of data analysis, e.g. AI/ML).

The topics include heliospheric plasmas (Sun, solar wind, planetary magnetosphere), the interstellar medium (ISM), Cosmic rays, disks around compact objects/black holes, Inter-Cluster medium (ICM), etc.

More information and registration can be found here:

Deadline for application: April, 30th, 2024 (the number of participants is limited).

Julia Stawarz (on behalf of the SOC)