IPELS Meeting, 19-23 June, San Diego

IPELS 2017, June 19-23, San Diego, CA

The 14th international IPELS meeting (Interrelationships between Plasma Experiments in the Laboratory and in Space) will be held June 19-23 near San Diego, CA, USA. The aim of this interdisciplinary workshop is to foster intellectual interaction and scientific collaboration between the ionospheric, magnetospheric, solar, heliophysics, and astrophysics communities and the laboratory experimental, theoretical and computational communities to address the fundamental plasma processes governing these extraordinarily complex and dynamic environments.

The meeting website is:
The deadline for submission of abstracts is May 1.

Program Committee:
Stuart Bale, UC Berkeley
Troy Carter, UCLA
Christopher Chen, Imperial College
Masahiro Hoshino, U. Tokyo
Hantao Ji, Princeton
Nuno Loureiro, MIT
QuanMing Lu, USTC
Michael Mauel, Columbia University
Alessandro Retino, Ecole Polytechnique
Earl Scime, West Virgina University
Masaaki Yamada, Princeton
