NAM 2021 Session Reminder: Wave-Particle Interactions in Space & Astrophysical Plasmas

We invite abstract submissions from the Solar Physics community for a session on ‘Wave-Particle Interactions in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas’ at NAM 2021.

The session abstract is included below, and invited speakers are Francesco Valentini (Università della Calabria), Wen Li (Boston University), and Irina Zhuravleva (University of Chicago). Abstract deadline is Friday 30 April 2021 at 1700 UTC.

Session abstract:
Wave-particle interactions are an essential process in plasmas across our solar system and in astrophysical bodies that governs plasma heating and the transfer of energy between particles and electromagnetic fields. For example, EMIC waves and whistler mode waves play central roles in radiation belt acceleration and loss, Landau-damping of kinetic Alfvén waves is a key candidate to explain solar-wind heating, and heat-flux instabilities are crucial for the energy transfer in the intracluster medium. These interactions span a wide range of spatial scales: the fundamental interaction and wave growth take place on ion and electron scales but cause large-scale changes in the entire plasma population. Furthermore, the large-scale structure and plasma properties shape the propagation of wave energy and determine where wave-particle interactions occur.
This session aims to bring together researchers from the solar, terrestrial, planetary, and astrophysics communities to evaluate the breadth of interactions and investigate similarities and differences in wave-particle interactions. The multi-scale nature of wave-particle interactions and the variation of their characteristics for different plasma regimes will be explored. We welcome contributions from theoretical, modelling and observational perspectives.