RAS Specialist Discussion Meetings – DEADLINE 1st March

The RAS invites suggestions from Fellows of the RAS who wish to propose (and therefore organise) Specialist Discussion meetings for the academic year beginning October 2018. Meetings are held monthly from October to May, on the second Friday of the month.

To help with assessment, proposals should include the following information:
– Title of meeting and organiser(s), at least one of whom should be an RAS Fellow
– The topics to be covered in the meeting
– Rationale for the meeting, including timeliness,
– Suggestions for invited speakers
– Preferred date for meeting, if any

Proposals should not exceed one A4 page in length.

For information, detailed guidance for meeting organisers may be found at:

Proposals for Astronomy SD meetings (including Exoplanets) should be sent to Mandy Bailey (mandybailey22@gmail.com) and proposals for Geophysics SD meetings (including Solar, Solar Terrestrial and Planetary Physics) should be sent to Mark Lester (mle@leicester.ac.uk). The deadline for receipt of proposals is 1st March 2018.