Science for Space Weather — 2016 ILWS Workshop, January 23 – 29, 2016 in Goa, India

Understanding and being able to forecast space weather is an increasingly important aspect of our modern technology-reliant society. This workshop will treat all aspects of space weather, ranging from solar origins of transient events (CMEs, Flares, CIRs) to their propagation through the heliosphere and effects on Earth and planetary bodies, from particle energization to forecasting particle environment and its effects on technological and biological systems, as well as solar-cycle effects and coupling of space weather to atmospheric response. Metrics to assess predictions will also be discussed. The workshop is structured along the lines of the COSPAR space weather pathways and will include invited, contributed talks and posters, as well as panel discussions and tutorials.

This workshop is being jointly organized by the International Living with a Star (ILWS) Program, Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), the SCOSTEP-VarSITI Program and hosted by the Center of Excellence in Space Sciences India (CESSI). The workshop will be held in the seaside town of Goa situated on the western coast of India.

Workshop web page: