Second Announcement — EWASS 2016 Symposium S17 on Magnetic Helicity in Sun and Stars: From Dynamo Action to Eruptive Phenomena

Abstract Submission deadline approaching: 15 March 2015

Important meeting deadlines:

This year’s European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS) will take place in Athens, Greece, during 4 – 8 July, 2016. For more information on the meeting as a whole, please visit

We are pleased to announce the meeting’s Symposium S17, entitled

  Magnetic Helicity in Sun and Stars: From Dynamo Action to Eruptive Phenomena

The Symposium’s description can be found at

This Symposium will recap studies that have shaped and continue to shape the intricate topic of magnetic helicity, affording the well-acquainted or simply interested audience a succinct, top-level view of our understanding of the topic. Future prospects enabled by contemporary understanding will also be discussed. The Symposium will promote a balance between observational effects of helical manifestations and theory, emphasizing studies that embolden this connection. To remain attractive to both solar / space physicists and astrophysicists, it will also investigate the solar-stellar connection of helical manifestations in the universe.

Please consider submitting an abstract to the Symposium. We solicit both oral and poster presentations. Please notice, however, that due to the lack of poster space the European Astronomical Society and the meeting’s Scientific Organizing Committee have decided that posters will be all-electronic and will be distributed to all participants. In addition, each presenting author will be allotted a few (up to 5) minutes to present his/her poster during the Symposium.

The Symposium’s confirmed invited speakers currently include M. Berger (University of Exeter, UK), M. Cheung (LMSAL, USA), K. Kusano (University of Nagoya, JP), Gherardo Valori (UCL, UK), and H. Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHN)

The Symposium’s SOC: Manolis K. Georgoulis, Alexander Nindos, Dibyendu Nandi